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Darcie & Stifler (2019) Part #1

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1 minute ago, jabbath1987 said:

I think the realmycam place should get posts only there. I just looked in there. Darcie & Stifler are no different than on VH 🤪

Lol yeah quite agree wasn't sure where to post them lol Good job RMC is free as fuckalls happened there so with Darcie & Stifler just having a complete failure in the bedroom, just wish Darcie would calm down she annoys me with all her squirming and unable to settle in any position lol

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1 minute ago, Robwin said:

Darcie would calm down she annoys me with all her squirming and unable to settle in any position lol

We say this since she first visited Mira & Henry. It is just how she is. She won't change. But there is worse: Look at Heather 😁

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5 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

We say this since she first visited Mira & Henry. It is just how she is. She won't change. But there is worse: Look at Heather 😁

Yeah I have never been able to watch her she just infuriates me with her neurotic ways i feel like chucking something at the screen when i am seeing her lol. She just don't keep fucking still for 5 secs.

Yep Heather is the same but i think Heathers is more self inflicted by white stuff lol.

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