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Nadia & Brian (2019) Part #1

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A disappointment with this couple is complete! Fake couple!!! Nadia or whatever is called doing night after night chaturbate and Brian or whatever you call all day playing on your computer. What future does this couple have? None!! Disappointing!! Nadia is beautiful but neither of us deserves to be in VH. They're in the wrong place and this is not going to end well. Brian's a henpecked!!!

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I wonder why users pay a subscription to VHTV? To see two apartments? The others find them all in chaturbate with better location and quality of the cameras! I say two apartments, at the end will be all.... I think VH still does not see his own vision of business! Only VH are the culprits of what happened last night and this very night in this apartment for example.

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ok. here is my opinion. camshows are fine as long as they don't take up all of the participants time. some can be good if they resemble regular sex. some suck as they are dominated by people sitting around waiting for $ & doing nothing as nadia seems to do. or endless fake bating such as stella & chris. kiki wastes 90% of the time dancing with whomever with clothes on before having a nice 3some or something. the 3some part is fine. the rest is a total waste. evie & mike used to be decent until they stopped having regular sex as it appeared that they really weren't getting along anymore. probably the best was matilda. she mixed regular sex with the routine bateshows but she didn't stretch it out like some of the others. lately this place holds no interest for me as n & b hardly have sex anymore. if it stays like this pretty soon they will be forgotten.

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