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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #9

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Since it has been as long as it has now since the change of dynamics at the residence and the lazy excuse of a man once again became for the most part unemployed, he has exhibited an arrogant laziness that is beyond reproach. He certainly has a lot of nerve being around there and dictating to her what to do as far as what she should wear, how she should sit or lay somewhere, and when or where she can go somewhere or not. That guy is really something else and a sorry excuse of a so called man. He has no embarrassment when in fact it is because of her that he even has a roof over his head and a place to live. It is certain that it has been because of her that there has been an interest in that residence enough so that there have been offers to renew the tenant lease contracts over time and most certainly not because of him. Yet he is around there acting as if he is the big boss of the residence. She really should show some gumption and set him straight by telling him flat out to find and engage in more substantial employment then he does, and to stop directing her as to what she is or is not allowed to do, or that he should get out and leave. Either that should happen, or the project administration should perhaps add them both to the list of next tenants to be replaced. To sum it up, she is supporting his lazy ass, so why put up with that kind of crap.

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3 minutes ago, scutus said:

Complaining is one thing.  He was being down right derogatory . 

Good day, sir. Sometimes we forget that it's all about camera 12 right now. Or we are too set in our beliefs. Both, I'm sure. But I don't like it when people get too angry or leave. That never helps anyone.

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Looking at her on the couch with him makes me sad, sad because she has become a pathetic figure who is trying to convince herself and us watching that she has a wonderful companion......The thing is, she didn't set her sights very high in the first place, so she can hardly be disappointed. He has become a liability and a complete waste of space and energy on her part....The up side is she cannot go any lower. 🙀

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2 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Looking at her on the couch with him makes me sad, sad because she has become a pathetic figure who is trying to convince herself and us watching that she has a wonderful companion......The thing is, she didn't set her sights very high in the first place, so she can hardly be disappointed. He has become a liability and a complete waste of space and energy on her part....The up side is she cannot go any lower. 🙀

What scares me is the alternative. She finds a real man. How quickly would a real man tolerate her pleasing us? I'd blow that joint quicker than a morning blunt.

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16 minutes ago, jugghead said:

What scares me is the alternative. She finds a real man. How quickly would a real man tolerate her pleasing us? I'd blow that joint quicker than a morning blunt.

At least she would know what a proper bout of lovemaking was all about, and if you look at the other apartments there are some wasters but also some men who would make her eyes sparkle and who would appreciate her a lot more than the guy she's with now.......Bloody good job she isn't nursing a baby, the cloud would push it out of the way to suck her mothers milk as his entitlement...😾

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 Come on our Princess make him earn your affection,  I put it this way if Paul was working on a regular basis at the same time  Leora  has the luxury of being home, well she has the job of keeping the house clean and of course dinner ready when her man gets home but if both parties are at home twenty-four hours a day then both parties we'll have to share in the chores around the home plain and simple, know if anyone has the replay I believe I caught that before I went to bed when Leora finished cleaning the kitchen, you can clearly see on the kitchen camera as she was walking off she look towards Paul with with anger along with tiredness on her face

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1 minute ago, jimbo4 said:

At least she would know what a proper bout of lovemaking was all about, and if you look at the other apartments there are some wasters but also some men who would make her eyes sparkle and who would appreciate her a lot more than the guy she's with now.......Bloody good job she isn't nursing a baby, the cloud would push it out of the way to suck her mothers milk as his entitlement...😾

LMAO, glad you care enough about her for that. It's kinda nice

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1 minute ago, jugghead said:

LMAO, glad you care enough about her for that. It's kinda nice

I care very deeply for her....always have and always will...I just don't like seeing her without her spirit and get up and go attitude...she is subservient now to a person who does not earn the right .😾

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2 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

I care very deeply for her....always have and always will...I just don't like seeing her without her spirit and get up and go attitude...she is subservient now to a person who does not earn the right .😾

Know that I never disagreed with that point. However, how do separate the what from the chaff?

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