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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 March #5

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Can't wait for this Twins And couple Kylie&Rus to leave,specialy the twins are all over the place and bringing their crap,boring old rlc routines(same massages and teases that should be gone in good measure),if at least they stayed more in their own rlc houses the others houses(like this one b4)could have more fun,diferent things going on.As expected they will stay very long,endless three full months.

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I thought about all of Loraine's maneuvers to cover her pussy, while there was a sexual massage, maybe there was a simple solution, to wear a pair of underwear, but it certainly took away the enormous sexual charge that had been created

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8 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

BS....they know how to get the lights back on Noldy

They know and they tried but no work, so they couldnt get it back on, later after they all were a sleep the power came back on. Might have been a problem with power in the area.

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1 minute ago, Fagen said:

Loro lo sanno e hanno provato, ma senza lavoro, quindi non sono riusciti a riprenderlo, dopo che tutti hanno dormito, il potere è tornato. Potrebbe essere stato un problema con il potere nella zona.

but now don't work

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