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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 May #4

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5 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

I got home from Dallas late last night.  After the board meeting we all went out for dinner and drinks.  Several drinks.  By the time I got home I was shot so I didn't read any of the posts or open RLC until this morning.  I'm not going to say a lot because I don't have the words for what I read and what little I saw.  I couldn't watch much because with that many girls running around and the damn slow cam changes I couldn't follow them. 

First goodbye Adelita.  Sorry I missed your departure.  You were a great addition to B4 and you will be missed.

Last night played out just as I predicted and feared it would.  All but a couple got wasted, Pam worst of all followed by limp dick.  Amalia chose to share him with Salma last night but Salma was really only interested in Amalia, not him.  She kissed him a couple times and stroked his dick a couple times but it looked like she only did it to try and get his dick enough to fuck Amalia and she really wanted to watch that.  He tried to play with her pussy once and she pushed his hand away.  She is very much a girls girl.  All the playing and sucking (by Amalia only)  wasn't going to help him. 

At one point I saw Ariela in Lorraine's room crying but have no idea why.  Much later Karla was crying.  I know there was a LOT that happened that I didn't see this morning but frankly I saw more than I needed to to know it was another really bad night.  I predict that Amalia and Chris aren't going to last very long.  I know she thinks it's fun right now to share him with other girls but I think she's going to end up regretting it.  What I would love to see is Daniela and Pam going back to B1, waiting for their new roommate to arrive and getting back to the warm, funloving way things were.  I'd like to see them spend more time with the B4 girls but absolutely NOT with Chris there.  That's just a recipe for trouble and hurt feelings.

From now on I'm just going to observe and TRY to keep my opinions to myself.  Nobody is interested in them anyhow so why hang myself out there to be mocked and criticized. 

I've got a really busy day ahead so I'll have to play catch up again tonight.  Hopefully it will be a lot better than last night.

Don't you dare keep your opinions to yourself Don't!!!  It's refreshing to here an honest point of view for a change from someone that watches RLC.  You are a Texan and I know you have thicker skin then that, to worry about someone mocking you or criticizing you.  Keep doing what your doing my friend, I love reading your posts!

I was filled in today also with what transpired in B4 last night and that is just about word for word what i was told.  the strange thing to me was that the "teacher of the BJ's" to the girls in the big bed room the other day, didn't suck Limpy's dick.  The showgirl "Salma" didn't really do anything from what I was told other than what you mentioned.  Amalia will regret it if she hasn't already, but maybe she has such a low self esteem of herself that she just puts up with it.  If Amalia's boyfriend is that quick to fuck another girl in front of her, could you imagine what he does when she's not around!  It's just sad to read the direction RLC headed!

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5 hours ago, dontgetnone said:

There is way too much time involved to go back and find that but it was in Lorraine's room so that should narrow it down.  She cried and then she ran out of the room and I couldn't find where she went but a short time later she and Lorraine left the house.  No idea where they went.  Maybe just somewhere quiet so they could talk because she seemed much better when they returned and she looked ok this morning.

that is another thing I was told about was when Loraine and Ariela got back from wherever they went, which was probably out the front door and down to the hidden room, Loraine went straight in the shower and gave her pussy a good washing.  I think they were having real fun out of camera view just like always with these girls.

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3 minutes ago, Fagen said:

Ariela and Olya started to use the shower room downstairs more, don't know if there is something wrong with the shower / tub, in their own room.

The downstairs one is a shower...the one in their room is a bathtub. ...and if you are European...I don't want to hear it...you have no idea what a proper shower is 

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18 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

The downstairs one is a shower...the one in their room is a bathtub. ...and if you are European...I don't want to hear it...you have no idea what a proper shower is 

Yes I know that but the girls always used the one in their room, I know the one downstairs is easier to use.

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13 hours ago, firewall said:

it will be hard for B1 to return in their own apartment when you have tried this pool in B4,

the girls seems enjoy alot the pool

Wait till Summer. They'll be on the Beach instead of their own Pool.  

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4 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Don't you dare keep your opinions to yourself Don't!!!  It's refreshing to here an honest point of view for a change from someone that watches RLC.  You are a Texan and I know you have thicker skin then that, to worry about someone mocking you or criticizing you.  Keep doing what your doing my friend, I love reading your posts!

I was filled in today also with what transpired in B4 last night and that is just about word for word what i was told.  the strange thing to me was that the "teacher of the BJ's" to the girls in the big bed room the other day, didn't suck Limpy's dick.  The showgirl "Salma" didn't really do anything from what I was told other than what you mentioned.  Amalia will regret it if she hasn't already, but maybe she has such a low self esteem of herself that she just puts up with it.  If Amalia's boyfriend is that quick to fuck another girl in front of her, could you imagine what he does when she's not around!  It's just sad to read the direction RLC headed!

Thanks much my friend.  I'm going to take things one day at a time and just play it by ear.

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