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B3 Amalia & Chris / Damira & Damon General Topic 2019 June #2

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1 hour ago, SierraTM said:

Fantasico, time for RLC to process my refund 😏

you can wait long time before having a refund of rlc, they prefer spend their time to bann their members than try to be correct with them !

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8 minutes ago, Mauri said:

yes, but only if your girlfriend agrees you do it, but when you hear the word "MONEY" let yourself be convinced, I don't think that before being on RLC they exchanged pairs, otherwise you wouldn't have problems doing it here,


It's all a problem of the shows. The girl can say it's necessary because work, and the guy has ro stand next to it and has to ask?

Sorry, but in real life relations the rules should be valid on both sides. If she doesn't want him to have fun with other girls, she shouldn't do it either. 

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3 minutes ago, Alladino said:


È tutto un problema degli spettacoli. La ragazza può dire che è necessario perché il lavoro, e il ragazzo si trova accanto ad esso e deve chiedere?

Scusa, ma nelle relazioni di vita reale le regole dovrebbero essere valide su entrambi i lati. Se lei non vuole che si diverta con altre ragazze, non dovrebbe nemmeno farlo. 

here it is made for money, but in real life, betrayal exists, and therefore you would do it in secret anyway

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6 minutes ago, Mauri said:

here it is made for money, but in real life, betrayal exists, and therefore you would do it in secret anyway


The money shouldn't be for the residents putting on a show. It should only be for the residents to allow their lives to be seen on cameras. 

The shows are the problem. Not a guy who wonders why his girlfriend is having sex in the next room while he has to stays out of it. It should be real life. Either they both are real swingers or not. 

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4 minutes ago, Alladino said:


I soldi non dovrebbero essere per i residenti che mettono su uno spettacolo. Dovrebbe essere solo per i residenti permettere che le loro vite siano viste sulle telecamere. 

Gli spettacoli sono il problema. Non un ragazzo che si chiede perché la sua ragazza faccia sesso nella stanza accanto, mentre deve restare fuori. Dovrebbe essere la vita reale. O entrambi sono veri swingers o no. 

they have a fixed monthly, and then a percentage on each new or renewal of the members, the shows are made to attract and get people to join RLC

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2 minutes ago, Mauri said:

they have a fixed monthly, and then a percentage on each new or renewal of the members, the shows are made to attract and get people to join RLC

This doesn't change anything About what I said. 

RLC should be about real life. If they want to see more sex between the residents, they should cast real swingers. 

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1 minute ago, Alladino said:

Questo non cambia nulla riguardo a quello che ho detto. 

RLC dovrebbe essere sulla vita reale. Se vogliono vedere più sesso tra i residenti, dovrebbero gettare veri scambisti. 

nothing is real here, trust me

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1 hour ago, Fagen said:

Very strange the doorbell scene, maybe noise complaints from last night.

That's the trouble with Apartments. You get these Young Couples that like to Party and they have No Respect for any other Tenants Privacy.  As long as they can Party and make lots of noise they don't give a Fuck about respecting others Rights to Privacy and Enjoyment of Living.   Since RLC only Leases the place I wouldn't be surprised if the Landlord terminated the Lease and told RLC to pack and GTFO.  :biggrin:

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il y a 7 minutes, StnCld316 a dit :

That's the trouble with Apartments. You get these Young Couples that like to Party and they have No Respect for any other Tenants Privacy.  As long as they can Party and make lots of noise they don't give a Fuck about respecting others Rights to Privacy and Enjoyment of Living.   Since RLC only Leases the place I wouldn't be surprised if the Landlord terminated the Lease and told RLC to pack and GTFO.  :biggrin:

That's exactly what's happened.

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the only place suitable for partying and do whatever the fuck you want is B4 cause is located outside of the city center and you have the villa for yourself so why having a party in B1 B2 OR B3  is RLC looking to close the whole project by doing such stupid things repeatedly

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