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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 July #4

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4 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

Ma cosa dici? L'anno scorso era vero questa volta no, e restano tutti in telefono in tutti gli appartamenti ma forse per te per essere vero tutta la ragazza deve stare tutto il giorno a leccare la fica e magari ad avere un'orgia SOLO ragazze sei così divertente amico mio 😂

it's called apartment for "GIRLS" on vacation, I just want to see girls, who if they lick their pussy or not, I don't care, if they want to fuck, do an orgy with guys, that's fine, but not in the apartment, if I want boyfriends with them, ok. go to the hotel and enjoy your holiday with your boyfriend

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:

si chiama appartamento per "ragazze" in vacanza, voglio solo vedere le ragazze che se leccano la loro figa o no, non mi interessa, se vogliono scopare, fare un'orgia con ragazzi, va bene, ma non in l'appartamento, se voglio fidanzati con loro, ok. andare in albergo e godersi la vacanza con il tuo ragazzo

But what change for you? Will be just some days, and also better for look sometingh different than same routine, and it s Call Girl vacation so if this girl have a boy and you want see the real you have acept

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13 minutes ago, Mauri said:

it's called apartment for "GIRLS" on vacation, I just want to see girls, who if they lick their pussy or not, I don't care, if they want to fuck, do an orgy with guys, that's fine, but not in the apartment, if I want boyfriends with them, ok. go to the hotel and enjoy your holiday with your boyfriend

This is what I've been saying all along.  Boyfriends are fine but keep them out of the apartments.  We've seen the trouble it has caused in the past and it's just not good practice.  It's not like these girls are going to be there forever.  1-3 months max.  They are there for a purpose and to make money, not to have bf's there.  If they can't wait their 30 days without having their bf come then go to a hotel.  Don't upset the apple cart for the other girls. 

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22 minutes ago, dontgetnone said:

Questo è quello che ho detto fin dall'inizio. Fidanzati vanno bene, ma tenerli fuori degli appartamenti. Abbiamo visto il problema che ha causato in passato e non è solo buona pratica. Non è come queste ragazze stanno per essere lì per sempre. 1-3 mesi max. Sono lì per uno scopo e per fare soldi, non avere bf di lì. Se non possono attendere i 30 giorni senza avere il loro bf venire poi andare in un hotel. Non sconvolgere il carretto delle mele per le altre ragazze. 

How could it upset you? Every girl has her own room, and as you said you are here to make money and RLC does not give many days off from home, so what does the presence of a boyfriend change for a few days ?

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Just now, Theblacknight04 said:

How could it upset you? Every girl has her own room, and as you said you are here to make money and RLC does not give many days off from home, so what does the presence of a boyfriend change for a few days ?

I only have 6 months experience here so I haven't seen everything that has happened in the past but I DO read the posts so I have heard about past events.  There have been a couple of girls that have had boyfriends visit and they kept strictly apart from the other girls and did their own thing.  Diane was a good example.  But look at other examples of the opposite.  Wild parties with excessive drinking and sometimes drugs.  Girls who have brought drunken boys in who have scared the other girls enough that they hide behind locked doors.  Girls sharing their boyfriend with other girls when they are drunk.  Look what happened with Amalia and Chris. 

Girls are entitled to have boyfriends.  That's fine.  They are not entitled to put the other girls at risk and say what you will but there is always some risk.  It just isn't worth that risk.  If a girl can't go 30 days without her boyfriend then she should just keep him away from the apartment. 

If Megan's boyfriend is coming there isn't anything I can do about it but I don't have to like it.

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1 minute ago, dontgetnone said:

Ho solo 6 mesi di esperienza qui in modo non ho visto tutto quello che è successo in passato, ma lo faccio leggere i post così ho sentito parlare di eventi passati. Ci sono stati un paio di ragazze che hanno avuto la visita fidanzati e hanno mantenuto rigorosamente a parte le altre ragazze e ha fatto quello che vogliono. Diane era un buon esempio. Ma guardate altri esempi del contrario. feste sfrenate con eccessivi farmaci bere e qualche volta. Le ragazze che hanno portato i ragazzi ubriachi in che hanno paura basta che si nascondono dietro le porte chiuse delle altre ragazze. Ragazze che ripartono il loro ragazzo con altre ragazze quando sono ubriachi. Guardate cosa è successo con Amalia e Chris. 

Le ragazze hanno diritto ad avere fidanzati. Va bene. Essi non hanno diritto di mettere le altre ragazze a rischio e dire ciò che vuoi, ma c'è sempre qualche rischio. E 'solo che non vale il rischio. Se una ragazza non può andare 30 giorni senza il suo fidanzato poi lei dovrebbe solo tenerlo lontano dall'appartamento. 

Se il ragazzo di Megan sta arrivando, non c'è niente che possa fare al riguardo, ma non ho a piacermi.

Look, I can assure you that since BF Megan's last visit, no girl has ever been embarrassed or uncomfortable. On the contrary, with some girls she had a nice bond and for the duration of the visit, another positive thing was to be able to understand conversions in English so for me this is a good thing, not to mention the fact that even in B5 they speak in English



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3 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

Look, I can assure you that since BF Megan's last visit, no girl has ever been embarrassed or uncomfortable. On the contrary, with some girls she had a nice bond and for the duration of the visit, another positive thing was to be able to understand conversions in English so for me this is a good thing, not to mention the fact that even in B5 they speak in English


What got left out here?



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