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Krista & Andrew (2019) Part #2

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Many new couples will be thinking right now, why are we going to do something else ourselves if our managers do absolutely nothing and are they possibly charging more than us or are even charging for what we do? This is real life! Someone above should give a serious warning to these people who think they've already won it all and shouldn't do anything else!

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4 minutes ago, Houlii said:

it could have been an continuation of the one they had at Bart and Isa's ...ante wrecked that


Ante didn't wreck anything. He didn't force anybody to do anything they didn't want. If nobody wanted him there, they could have told him no and any of the 4 could have told him to leave the bedroom, 6 if you include Mira and Henry in the beginning. And he didn't prevent anybody from doing anything that they wanted to do. I didn't see any of the 4 trying to get to one another and Ante blocking them. Melissa and Sergio have had a million and a half opportunities to do things with anybody they want. Don't blame Ante now because they didn't do anything with Isa and Bart tonight.

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Just now, Gudari said:

Many new couples will be thinking right now, why are we going to do something else ourselves if our managers do absolutely nothing and are they possibly charging more than us or are even charging for what we do? This is real life! Someone above should give a serious warning to these people who think they've already won it all and shouldn't do anything else!

i think someone should give you a serious warning, since from the time i have been here, you always complain and judge and accusing, man have you ever said anything positive? i really feel sorry for you,so much negativity,omg,hard to have someone like this in life, tonight was a bbad party but i saw some positive changes and i'm focusing there, anyway just an advice,be a bit more positive say one good word or two, you will be happier and could have more chances to be listen 🙂 always will good wiil 🙂

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Just now, moonlight89 said:

Creo que alguien debe darle una advertencia seria, ya que desde el momento en que he estado aquí, siempre se quejan y juzgar y acusar, el hombre alguna vez has dicho nada positivo? Realmente siento pena por ti, tanta negatividad, omg, difícil tener a alguien así en la vida, esta noche fue una fiesta BBAD pero vi algunos cambios positivos y estoy centrado allí, de todos modos sólo un consejo, ser un poco más positiva decir una buena palabra o dos, usted será más feliz y podría tener más posibilidades de ser escuchar 🙂 siempre será buena Wiil 🙂

Any warnings for giving my opinion? For being negative about what I see? Of course you do, buddy, enjoy this and have a good night!

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1 minute ago, miscvoyeur said:

Ante didn't wreck anything. He didn't force anybody to do anything they didn't want. If nobody wanted him there, they could have told him no and any of the 4 could have told him to leave the bedroom, 6 if you include Mira and Henry in the beginning. And he didn't prevent anybody from doing anything that they wanted to do. I didn't see any of the 4 trying to get to one another and Ante blocking them. Melissa and Sergio have had a million and a half opportunities to do things with anybody they want. Don't blame Ante now because they didn't do anything with Isa and Bart tonight.

Well yes the obliged him but he grabbed their hands and put it where he wanted..I didn't see any one invite him in..they were all over that room trying move away..we definitely see it different..

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