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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 - September #2

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17 minutes ago, Mauri said:

in theory, Megan leaves on the 26th and Deb on the 29th


15 minutes ago, omedo said:

Creo que Anna se va este fin de semana

That makes sense,a lot of this girls are in b4 for long time by now,in my opinion b4 needs again a girl like Damina "man hunt",she was the glue of place,in any case till end of month house will change almost completely.

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9 minutes ago, Noldus said:

2055 Megan and Holly are back

it's funny how before the house went UM both Megan and Holly were in their beds and when the house came back online they were both gone.  very strange behavior from RLC these days, not like it hasn't happened before but it sure is happening a lot more frequent these days.

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35 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

è divertente come prima che la casa è andato UM sia Megan e Holly erano nei loro letti e quando la casa è tornato online erano entrambi scomparsi. molto strano comportamento da RLC in questi giorni, non piace non è successo prima, ma è sicuro che sta avvenendo molto più frequente in questi giorni.

Maybe because don t work inside sometingh? And normal person go out also from home

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It s very strange, nobody tell like "show" of girls and want see real life, and when happen some show i read always bad comments but whrn happen one normal night like yeatraday without "show" nobody write notingh, now i want understand what have interesting look make normal life without understand also they leanguage, i m more curios, it s like listen just sound and strange words

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