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Anise & Killian (2019) Part #1

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I really do not understand. If they have business idea pickup girls - like Zack and Blondie. Need a manager and new equipment. Giant camera - 85% girls will be scared. For this model, cameras should be small and hidden as possible. Otherwise, fines are matter of time (soon).

They have girl yesterday - who interested about project (dream becoming actress Dom2 or something similar). And she wished continuation of the party - perhaps with transformations to PARTY-HARD. But  guys refused to buy her alcohol = they have small scene and she lost interest&left.

Now they have brought girls - who do not want to fuck on camera. They poured maximum alcohol into girls and there is no result. The maximum is most boring sex - with frightened and shy girl. And that is unlikely.

I really do not understand the meaning in this apt and participants.

The fact that they do not live here = this is no problem. They are here only for prime time show.

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