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Leora - General Chat Topic September/October 2019 #7


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  6 hours ago, happyone said:


So StnCld, please close this chat room

All future posts will be in 

Leora-General Chat Topic

Heaven forbid, I was under the impression this room was for Johnny to be as coarse and filthy as he wished, along with Raul as a sparring partner. Now we are back to square one.....What was the point? The Leora General  Chat Topic will now revert to the Johnny and Raul chat room under a different name.....Nothing personal towards Johnny or Raul, but what a fiasco !! I'm astounded.

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47 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:
  6 hours ago, happyone said:


So StnCld, please close this chat room

All future posts will be in 

Leora-General Chat Topic

Heaven forbid, I was under the impression this room was for Johnny to be as coarse and filthy as he wished, along with Raul as a sparring partner. Now we are back to square one.....What was the point? The Leora General  Chat Topic will now revert to the Johnny and Raul chat room under a different name.....Nothing personal towards Johnny or Raul, but what a fiasco !! I'm astounded.

Clearly these two are saying to one another 'this place isn't big enough for both of us!'

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7 minutes ago, bubbleobillo said:

Clearly these two are saying to one another 'this place isn't big enough for both of us!'

But the powers to be have decided in their infinite wisdom that they will be together with their unique styles, but at the expense of every other members opinions and comfort, which have conveniently been ignored.

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9 hours ago, raul399 said:

the thread doesn't put my name on it, 
For a while I did put my name just like yours... but it's been a week since it said anything about raul.

I do not know how your name got removed from the other special chat forum--unless you requested to StnCld that it be removed. 

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  11 minutes ago, happyone said:

It seems that Raul does not want to chat in here-he wants to chat in the other forum--so you all fight it out .

This room can be reopened if Johnny does not mind his own personal room--but he stated

"you know I'm dying over here 🍆🍆🍆" --so I assumed he did not want to be here either---maybe my assumption was wrong

Johnny---do you want your own room back????

Johnny is dying over there because of his unique style of constantly expressing himself in a way that some other members were not over keen on, they had the choice of visiting Johnny and Raul if they wished and some folks did.....Personally I don't particularly care what you decide, we all have a choice as to whether we come to the forum or not, I will make my choice as others will make theirs. :shy:

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2 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:
  11 minutes ago, happyone said:

It seems that Raul does not want to chat in here-he wants to chat in the other forum--so you all fight it out .

This room can be reopened if Johnny does not mind his own personal room--but he stated

"you know I'm dying over here 🍆🍆🍆" --so I assumed he did not want to be here either---maybe my assumption was wrong

Johnny---do you want your own room back????

Johnny is dying over there because of his unique style of constantly expressing himself in a way that some other members were not over keen on, they had the choice of visiting Johnny and Raul if they wished and some folks did.....Personally I don't particularly care what you decide, we all have a choice as to whether we come to the forum or not, I will make my choice as others will make theirs. :shy:

As far as I am concerned, it was working very well with both of the forums-so we will keep both open and as always ---everyone has the choice as to which forum they wish to

participate in. 

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4 minutes ago, happyone said:

As far as I am concerned, it was working very well with both of the forums-so we will keep both open and as always ---everyone has the choice as to which forum they wish to

participate in. 

I agree when you

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