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Masha, Sophia General Chat Topic 2019 October/November #5


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Le 10/31/2019 à 9:23 PM, philo a dit :

So who among us, whenever we are lonely for female companionship, invites our sister to visit? When she first visited a couple years ago, I may have altered history by posting, on another forum, a concern about how Bodgan was kissing her on her neck. Some ciaimed that it was an acceptable form of affection often practiced by siblings. I accept that as a cultural difference from how I was raised. Where I am from it would have been viewed as an indicator of potential incestuous behavior. When I posted that, I was surprised at the amount of support for incestuous behavior among siblings. Still, I make no judgement about the practice but I reserve the right to comment on it. 

In my country that behaviour isn't allowed. Some countries differ it seems.

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3 minutes ago, Daleys said:

In my country that behaviour isn't allowed. Some countries differ it seems.

Most cultures disallow incest. But the ways to show love and affection differs wildly between cultures. Some cultures now frown upon mothers breastfeeding their babies. Are there anything more natural and close? Other cultures frown upon men hugging each other. Are there anything more natural for close friends to do? I remember when I was a kid, watching television and seeing French and Russian people kissing on the cheeks. I thought: "What are they doing?" But it is different for me now. You need to separate between the sexual and the emotional. Cultures differs in how they show emotions and connection, but sex is the same across cultures.

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