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Leora - General Chat Topic October/November 2019 #9


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8 hours ago, Eli 007 said:

I will post another comment about the power failure in Prague. Some people asked me  where the multiple sources about the power outage were. I will comment on that. 

I just googled- power outage in Prague September 30 2019 weather channel.  The top three news articles that came up on screen talk about it. I doubt anyone believes

the weather channel would invent a story like that. there is no conspiracy, just an act of nature.

October 31 not September 30......Perhaps you have inadvertently been in an induced coma for a month, I hope it’s nothing serious. 🤪😂......Don’t take it to heart, I am only joking with you. Have a nice day.

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Before anyone starts getting all pear shaped and upset, let me respectfully point out that this opinion is mostly truth born out of several days of frustration.

I actually thought that it was reasonable to hope for something special tonight, seeing as she has been off air for three days including Halloween this week.

But no, same old same old token arse wiggle for a couple of hours, then cream the body, before a tepid finale in the living room, more like duty than anything else.

As a European ( At least until January 31 ) I certainly don’t think it’s worth staying up most of the night to view her now....two months ago yes, but now I think she is as bored with the proceedings as I am .

 With the lack of viewing time that she graciously affords us nowadays, I don’t personally think she has the same magnetism as she once had, and if she is not careful is in imminent danger of her crown slipping...I always thought she showed a genuine free spirit and a natural affinity with her fans, but alas she is to my mind now verging on being false and plastic, and doesn’t give a shit about her fans, it seems as if she has lost the connection with them.

Her attitude reminds me of when guys were due to leave the military, it was called “ demob happy “ winding down before going home for good....Do as little as possible, as the clock winds down, just enough to keep out of jail.

Just a personal opinion from a pissed of and very disappointed member of the human race.

Be gentle with me when you all attack, I’m feeling very fragile at the moment....🤪☹️🙁  Nah!! Bring it on and do your worst, I can take it as well as dish it out....🤪

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

Before anyone starts getting all pear shaped and upset, let me respectfully point out that this opinion is mostly truth born out of several days of frustration.

I actually thought that it was reasonable to hope for something special tonight, seeing as she has been off air for three days including Halloween this week.

But no, same old same old token arse wiggle for a couple of hours, then cream the body, before a tepid finale in the living room, more like duty than anything else.

As a European ( At least until January 31 ) I certainly don’t think it’s worth staying up most of the night to view her now....two months ago yes, but now I think she is as bored with the proceedings as I am .

 With the lack of viewing time that she graciously affords us nowadays, I don’t personally think she has the same magnetism as she once had, and if she is not careful is in imminent danger of her crown slipping...I always thought she showed a genuine free spirit and a natural affinity with her fans, but alas she is to my mind now verging on being false and plastic, and doesn’t give a shit about her fans, it seems as if she has lost the connection with them.

Her attitude reminds me of when guys were due to leave the military, it was called “ demob happy “ winding down before going home for good....Do as little as possible, as the clock winds down, just enough to keep out of jail.

Just a personal opinion from a pissed of and very disappointed member of the human race.

Be gentle with me when you all attack, I’m feeling very fragile at the moment....🤪☹️🙁  Nah!! Bring it on and do your worst, I can take it as well as dish it out....🤪

I got what I wanted earlier, but I need alot more of it, when it was two or three times a day I was in heaven, now I get the ass once every two weeks. I don't think she understands how fucking frustrating it is to know that you have ONE chance to see something hot for a couple very short minutes every 24 hours, and checking in every other minute the whole day to not miss it, and spending hours writing love declarations and stuff that makes her feel good and gets her in the mood, to have her finally lay down and rub one out on her back in what feels like seconds compared to the time you've devoted to get there (that has been the last six times before this one) the sixth time she did it I really couldn't believe it, all my feelings for her dissapeared, anger is a great way to kill love, and that's all I could feel thinking about how she now devotes 10 minutes a day to leave all of us feeling frustrated and wanting more, while all of us spend money and hours devoted to make her feel like god, she relies on us to get her in the mood when it should be the other way around, it would be nice if she made ME feel like god like she used to. I hope she returns and my feelings to, because I love to love Leora, just hard to love someone that says I don't fucking care about you that many times in a row 🧡

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1 hour ago, Johnny 5 said:

I got what I wanted earlier, but I need alot more of it, when it was two or three times a day I was in heaven, now I get the ass once every two weeks. I don't think she understands how fucking frustrating it is to know that you have ONE chance to see something hot for a couple very short minutes every 24 hours, and checking in every other minute the whole day to not miss it, and spending hours writing love declarations and stuff that makes her feel good and gets her in the mood, to have her finally lay down and rub one out on her back in what feels like seconds compared to the time you've devoted to get there (that has been the last six times before this one) the sixth time she did it I really couldn't believe it, all my feelings for her dissapeared, anger is a great way to kill love, and that's all I could feel thinking about how she now devotes 10 minutes a day to leave all of us feeling frustrated and wanting more, while all of us spend money and hours devoted to make her feel like god, she relies on us to get her in the mood when it should be the other way around, it would be nice if she made ME feel like god like she used to. I hope she returns and my feelings to, because I love to love Leora, just hard to love someone that says I don't fucking care about you that many times in a row 🧡

Perhaps she has started believing that she is irreplaceable in peoples emotions, some people on here are nothing without Leora,  but Leora is nothing without them and their unwavering support that she has enjoyed for six years. Fame and adoration is a fickle beast....treat it with the same respect that has been afforded you over the years. 

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