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Discussion: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) #1


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3 hours ago, firewall said:

no doubt with that when we see the comportment of some people 😏, it could be for tonight

oui il ne fait pas de doute que nous allons suivre très rapidement les autres Pays dans le confinement total, je suis pour ma part déjà dès ce soir en chômage technique, mon entreprise ayant prit les devant pour nous dire de ne plus sortir travaillé à partir de ce soir et jusqu'a nouvel ordre 

normalement voici les mesures qui vont être prises en France et qui vont être dévoilé ce soir

1/ annonce ce soir confinement totale dès mercredi 

2/ mardi
Dernière journée de déplacements des français pour choisir sa zone de confinement, chacun doit rejoindre sa résidence principale ou secondaire ou autre ...

3/ mercredi 8h confinement totale
Mise en place de contrôles avec l armée 

-0 déplacement sans laisser passer Interdiction De sortir 
-Sauf 1 seule personne pour des courses alimentaires ou rdv médecin où hôpital 
- et déplacement filière santé (infirmière pharmaciens etc )

- duree 45 jours


yes there is no doubt that we will follow very quickly the other countries in total containment, I for my part already as of this evening in technical unemployment, my company having taken the front to tell us not to leave working anymore from tonight and until further notice

normally here are the measures that will be taken in France and that will be revealed this evening

1 / announcement this evening total containment from Wednesday

2 / Tuesday
Last day of travel for French people to choose their containment zone, everyone must reach their main or secondary residence or other ...

3 / Wednesday 8 am total containment
Establishment of controls with the army

-0 movement without passing Passage To leave
-Except 1 person for food shopping or doctor or hospital appointment
- and travel to the health sector (nurse pharmacists, etc.)

- duration 45 days

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2 minutes ago, AntEater said:

They are saying they will arrest people who are not going to the shops or dr's in some parts of Europe but how can they prove where you're planning on going?

i know in spain and italy there is the police for apply the rules and if you are outside for not a good reason you have to pay 206  euro in spain for example,

the same thing will happen soon in other countries i think

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32 minutes ago, Robwin said:

No doubt the guns buying spree is for the all the  potential suicides you're gonna have or blasting any poor bugger that sneezes in the street ::)

I have over 60,000 rounds of ammo, from .22LR to 50 BMG. I'll be ok, i have friends begging me to sell them some ammo

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11 minutes ago, firewall said:

@moos54 really sad for you, for take the good side of that we will have alot of times for watch rlc and vh now and talk on camcaps for kill the time 🙂

Health first, I go back to work when it is possible to do it in good conditions, we are all in the same ship
I have paid holidays which I can also take during this period. This will save me from having days of deficiency, for the moment, it is still rather vague as a situation and we are trying to manage things as we can.

Of course, now I'm going to have more time to watch CC and especially the girls on RLC 😉

I also do some emergency shopping so I think I will not need to go out during this period hoping that it will not last longer

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1 minute ago, moos54 said:

Health first, I go back to work when it is possible to do it in good conditions, we are all in the same ship
I have paid holidays which I can also take during this period. This will save me from having days of deficiency, for the moment, it is still rather vague as a situation and we are trying to manage things as we can.

Of course, now I'm going to have more time to watch CC and especially the girls on RLC 😉

I also do some emergency shopping so I think I will not need to go out during this period hoping that it will not last longer

confined people gonna watch other confined people now 🙂, where this world goes 

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1 hour ago, firewall said:

i know in spain and italy there is the police for apply the rules and if you are outside for not a good reason you have to pay 206  euro in spain for example,

the same thing will happen soon in other countries i think

But how do they know if you are lying about your reason or not? I could be outside for any reason and just lie and say I'm going to get food.

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

I have over 60,000 rounds of ammo, from .22LR to 50 BMG. I'll be ok, i have friends begging me to sell them some ammo

To be honest that all sounds a bit sad. You're virtually a prisoner of your own making. Why the hell would anyone need 60,000 rounds of ammo?

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27 minutes ago, AntEater said:

But how do they know if you are lying about your reason or not? I could be outside for any reason and just lie and say I'm going to get food.

At a given moment, it is also necessary that all people take responsibility and become aware that it is only for their own good that these new measures are taken

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1 hour ago, AntEater said:

But how do they know if you are lying about your reason or not? I could be outside for any reason and just lie and say I'm going to get food.

seems the people here in France will need to have a paper authorization for go to work  for justified the reason  to go outside,

more infos coming soon it's not totally clear for the moment

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