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P1 COV+ Kylie & Rus and Viola - General Topic 2020 #1 (February-March)

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10 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Sorry to sound negative here guys, but aren't the shows here the very similar shows the GOV apts have been torn to bits about in the past...😏

Yeah, there's been some good moments so far but I feel like this shtick will get old pretty quick with this place as well.

Also I'm starting to wonder what's Viola's motive there. It really does seem like she's being influenced from the outside as she's often on her phone after something happens -and is clearly having mood swings because of it- and she's kinda reluctant to engage at times even though she's teasing like there's no tomorrow.

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30 minutes ago, vanillajohn said:

Oui, il y a eu de bons moments jusqu'à présent, mais j'ai l'impression que ce shtick vieillira assez vite avec cet endroit également.

Je commence aussi à me demander quel est le motif de Viola là-bas. Il semble vraiment qu'elle soit influencée de l'extérieur, car elle est souvent au téléphone après que quelque chose se passe - et a clairement des sautes d'humeur à cause de cela - et elle est un peu réticente à s'engager parfois même si elle taquine comme s'il n'y avait pas de lendemain.

I think she wouldn’t mind doing more with rus, if she wasn’t like I already think of her as a couple

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