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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #22 2020 April


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1 hour ago, Pepe said:

I guess no bonus tonight huh!

Donald Duck Lol GIF

   Ahh ... there you are. I knew you were lurking somewhere because the stench was nearly overwhelming. 🤭

   It's probably best that a critter with a pea brain such as you skunk not concern yourself with a subject matter of human life ... because skunks sure as hell don't get any kind of bonus for anything ... ever. 

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1 hour ago, Pepe said:

I guess no bonus tonight huh!

Donald Duck Lol GIF

I've seen mention of bonuses on here before.  It seems very unlikely to me that they receive bonuses on RLC.  Sometimes these people go for days without any sexual activity. I would think we would see sex everyday multiple times a day from each and every participant if such were the case, like some of the other real-time voyeur sites.  I could be wrong but it just doesn't seem likely to me.

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

   Ahh...there you are. I knew you were lurking somewhere because the stench was nearly overwhelming.

   It's probably best that a critter with a pea brain such as you skunk not concern yourself with a subject matter of human life...because skunks sure as hell don't get any kind of bonus for anything...ever. 

Bahahahasnort, but I do get the best bonus anyone of this forum could ever hope for besides laughing at all the clowns 🤡

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1 minute ago, p4design said:

I've seen mention of bonuses on here before.  It seems very unlikely to me that they receive bonuses on RLC.  Sometimes these people go for days without any sexual activity. I would think we would see sex everyday multiple times a day from each and every participant if such were the case, like some of the other real-time voyeur sites.  I could be wrong but it just doesn't seem likely to me.

Yah people like to tout that they know more than others, but can never prove it. They just pretend they're are smarter than the rest of us. It's laughable at best.

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31 minutes ago, Pepe said:

Yah people like to everything that they know more than others, but can never prove it. They just pretend they're are smarter than the rest of us. It's laughable at best.

Wrong once again skunk ... only that there are many people who are more intelligent than an illiterate critter such as yourself. Then again ... there never was any skunk who had any intelligence at anything ... only stinking. 🤭

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1 minute ago, Nicholas said:

Wrong once again skunk ... only that there are many people who are more intelligent than an illiterate critter such as yourself. Then again ... there never was any skunk who had any intelligence at anything ... only stinking. 🤭

I must say I enjoy your comedic writing if nothing else 😂😂😂

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1 hour ago, p4design said:

I've seen mention of bonuses on here before.  It seems very unlikely to me that they receive bonuses on RLC.  Sometimes these people go for days without any sexual activity. I would think we would see sex everyday multiple times a day from each and every participant if such were the case, like some of the other real-time voyeur sites.  I could be wrong but it just doesn't seem likely to me.

   Yeah well...I put more credibility in something that comes from someone with the parent company of RLC more so then what comes from most anywhere else. Also...yeah everyone has their own perceptions, views, opinions, and beliefs on anything they choose to in life.

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8 hours ago, Pepe said:

I guess no bonus tonight huh!

Donald Duck Lol GIF

In answer to your ever present sarcasm and condescending demeanour, If there are indeed bonuses then her previous two bates have more than earned enough for the day.

I wonder sometimes why you don’t occasionally employ your intelligence and obvious superior knowledge posting a comment that is debatable by others , instead of taking cheap moronic shots at other people’s remarks.

You used to be funny and respected by others at one time, nowadays sadly you are neither.

Just an observation and in no way an invitation to enter into further discussions with you.

Have a pleasant weekend.

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41 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

   Yeah well...I put more credibility in something that comes from someone with the parent company of RLC more so then what comes from most anywhere else. Also...yeah everyone has their own perceptions, views, opinions, and beliefs on anything they choose to in life.

You state the obvious as though you are enlightening the world.  Of course I'm entitled to my opinion.  That's why I shared it.  You, on the other hand, seem to be suggesting that yours is more than an opinion.  With whom have you spoken from RLC and how do you know they are from RLC?

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29 minutes ago, Pepe said:

I don't have to worry about you catching me that's for sure 😁

   There you go again skunk...trying to think possessing little to no intelligence. Other than myself...it's the other millions of humans in the country who know that vermin such as skunk...and especially skunk...are good for nothing except being put away. So run and hide skunk...but you'll only get so far. 🤭

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