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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2020 #10 (April/May)

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3 minutes ago, Fagen said:

Owner of what?

I'm guessing the house. RLC most likely rents the appartments and house, and not owning them.

But he did not look like a owner of a multi million euro house.


If it's true that he came delivering packages, it's weird that he new where the mop was, when he spilled a glass in the kitchen. But maybe he was in the house earlier, or have been watching RLC for some time.

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so RLC rented the villa from someone illegally and he came today and got drunk and found some girls.  want a piece of them in return thinking its kind of whore house but found two guys who beat the shit out of him. 
Now he is going to call police and kick the out ?

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10 minutes ago, MANDIRIGMA said:

i think all the involve girls will be kick out on barca because of the violence happened. like what did do to kitty and her partner

Really? I would be surprised if that were to happen..

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2 minutes ago, alokin said:

He was screaming that he was the owner and they were illegally there !

Drunk work but why the keys to the cottage were ... interesting

Then we can only hope that it turns out positively and B4 has to be closed. 😉😂

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The first I find of him on camera is 17.45.50 ish, where Diane sees him from the kitchen coming down the stairs, and waves at him calling him Tasha.

So the must know him from somewhere, and not a delivery person that stayed.

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