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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #23 2020 April


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7 hours ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Hi All my friends here,

The last few days I've been feeling unwell and thought I better see a doctor. The doctor advised that I tick all the boxes for the CORVIS-19 virus and needed to be tested/ By law I had to be tested. It took over 3 hours waiting in my car until it was my turn to be tested. We are a long way from this being over and those who say different have no idea. 

It's going to be a long 48 hours waiting for my results. Hopefully all will be ok with me and other people inline with me today too.

Please take care and keep safe.


Courage, if it is taken in time, it is easily treatable, best wishes

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Beautiful and wet masturbation of Leora ... But I am more and more convinced of what I thought from the first day that Malia arrived in this apartment ... Between these two girls nothing lesbian will happen ... Today Leora has started to get hot looking at Paul (although Paul did nothing for Leora exciting and didn't even look at her too much) ... Then she started her masturbation but when I heard Malia move towards the bathroom .... LEORA stopped and he closed the bedroom door ... at this point if intentions were to get to do and play together the bedroom door had to remain open instead ....
These two girls are the copy of two girls already seen for several years ... Cristy and Kamila ...

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I thought last night was the BIG DAY/NIGHT ... it wasn't but it was almost ... almost ...
Malia, took a big step, "bate" for the cameras, for the first time in three months .... (hopefully she won't take three more for the second time) ...
Leora already caresses herself very comfortably in the presence of Malia, (I loved Leora when she penetrated with her finger ...) and Malia is already starting to do it ...
The next step, (I guess ...) will be: Leora starts stroking herself, Malia starts her "bate", they get very close together, and they change hands, stroking each other, in the intimate parts until orgasm. ...
(but seeing it more rationally, Leora is a very intelligent woman, and will only do so if the criticisms today of her performance yesterday, are positive, in which case she will increase a little more ...) IMO...

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14 minutes ago, sexy girl said:

Hermosa y húmeda masturbación de Leora ... Pero estoy cada vez más convencida de lo que pensé desde el primer día que Malia llegó a este apartamento ... Entre estas dos chicas no pasará nada lésbico ... Hoy Leora ha comenzado a ponerse mirando a Paul (aunque Paul no hizo nada por Leora emocionante y ni siquiera la miró demasiado) ... Entonces ella comenzó su masturbación, pero cuando escuché a Malia moverse hacia el baño ... LEORA se detuvo y él cerró la puerta. puerta de la habitación ... en este punto, si las intenciones fueran a hacer y jugar juntas, la puerta de la habitación tenía que permanecer abierta en su lugar ...
Estas dos chicas son la copia de dos niñas que ya se han visto durante varios años ... Cristy y Kamila ...

no puedo estar mas de acuerdo , creo que no habra sexo entre ambas

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Il y a 15 heures, philo a dit :

Je pense que vous avez raison ... peut-être ce soir, le scénario était juste de ralentir un peu les choses et de les allonger un peu plus longtemps. Les deux pourraient devenir super excités en même temps et quelque chose d'excitant pourrait se produire. Leora semble essayer de faire un bon spectacle (avec des pauses dans l'action lorsque Malia commence à l'atteindre. Il y a quelques semaines, j'ai dit que je pensais que Leora faisait une séduction très, très lente. Il semble que j'aie peut-être obtenu ma théorie à l'envers parce que Malia semble essayer de faire avancer les choses. Maintenant, je pense qu'elle devra faire le pas parce que Leora, en effet, semble avoir un peu peur.

en ces temps de confinement,ou chacun doit rester à la maison, donc potentiellement plus de public ,d audiences ,il ne serait pas exclu de glaner davantages d adhésions de futurs membres ,donc pourquoi aller plus vite .Leora et malia c est comme un feuilleton.Mais il est vrai que malia a envie plus maintenant qu elle a franchi le pas dans sa chambre

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