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1 hour ago, Dave 27 said:

Good morning Rob ,favouritism?no chance,I ain't got nothing to offer!! and definitely no ulterior motive.If you recall(an old git like you might have memory problems😀)I declined Jab's invitation politely here in open forum simply because I disagreed with it,and still do.Jabs and Amy at loggerheads doesn't interest or concern me.None of the two of them have ever done or said anything to upset or seriously annoy me so why would I bother.To quote Catherine Tate"I ain't bovvered"😀👍



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17 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Ok everyone, I just want to explain to you what is happening in the VHTV forums just so you know and understand just how fucking childish and pitiful it really is. As you all know I was suspended by StnCld for being just too negative about VHTV.  Ok, fine! I don't agree with what he did as I happen to think that this is supposed to be an open public forum, not an ad platform for VHTV. But, whatever, it's their site and if the Admin and StnCld want to bow to a particular site out of fear they may lose picture posting rights it's their business. Anyways, so on 20 Apr 2020 I returned to posting here again and as usual Jabbath couldn't stand my style for a variety of reasons. I guess posting in a way that does not prop up his way of thinking and prop up VHTV in the right way that supports his tenant and manager friends is just unacceptable for his ears to hear or his eyes to see. Basically the way it works is he is friends with VHTV and Anna/Alex and most all of the tenants that belong to that crew, and because of these relationships they become the good and worthy tenants and all the others are either fit for jokes and put downs or just indifference. The friend tenants become the upper class and the rest are just fodder for jokes and insults and if anyone dares show an interest they get splained why they are bad, which of course then means you are bad too. Comply!  Now, if you dare cross his friend tenants in some way, well then you crossed him. You see how that works. As Nack said a long time ago, tenant interaction would be our doom and indeed he was right. Jabbath values his VHTV friends more then he values the posters on CamCaps. So much so that he has abandoned you and intends to harm the forums by dividing it just to spite me. So, because Jabbath cannot stand to be exposed to other points of view out of respect for his relationships with the tenants, he and Sparkles decided to flee the forums and re-open the walled garden, the private club, the circle of protection. He and his court magician Sparkles, will be running a secondary VHTV forum(s) that is comprised of invited guests only. If you were not invited, then you know where you stand with him and his right hand man, who by the way is the biggest troll of them all you just don't know it like I do. Just trust me on that one! Sparkles is the puppet master! Anyways, you are not invited if you fail to follow the proper kind of posting that bolsters Jabbath's ego and the standing of his friends, you've said something negative about him, Sparkles, or Jabbath's VHTV friends, or you simply cannot be trusted to be in the inner circle because you dare speak to me. The club is a safe place where they will look down upon us and poke fun at you and laugh whenever you make any wrong turns. You will be the butt of their joke in secret and then the invited minions will come down from on high and sit by your side and smile with a slight smirk. The club also serves as a means to ensure compliance with their way of thinking. You must bend the knee, kiss the ring, prove your loyalty and show them the respect they demand least you be cast out of the garden to live among the peasants below. Over the course of time they will be beaming up the “good” members in the forums, the ones who project their way of proper thinking. Indeed! The VHTV forum now has overlords lurking in the clouds above. Jabbath has cast the forums into the lake of fire to spite me and those who are unworthy of him. There is now a caste system in place on CamCaps. Unfortunately, you will likely not be invited this time. It is the Anti-Amy3 club because I will not bend the knee to Jabbath!

This sounds fine for me. For what it's worth, I find Jabbath OK, except for this very reason - he can't let any negative comment about VHTV lie and it is really annoying to see him constantly taking up a judge and jury role which stifles debate.  That being said, I wouldn't like to see either of you banned, so if there is a private VHTV fanboy thread that leaves us plebs to have a decent flowing conversation with each other and not VHTV extended management then this can only be a good thing.

If there is to be a caste system, then I'll happily stay outside here with all you other deplorables!

P.s. please stick Ridgerrunner behind these new pearly gates too and give us all 'kin rest!

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2 hours ago, Maturin said:

This sounds fine for me. For what it's worth, I find Jabbath OK, except for this very reason - he can't let any negative comment about VHTV lie and it is really annoying to see him constantly taking up a judge and jury role which stifles debate.  That being said, I wouldn't like to see either of you banned, so if there is a private VHTV fanboy thread that leaves us plebs to have a decent flowing conversation with each other and not VHTV extended management then this can only be a good thing.

If there is to be a caste system, then I'll happily stay outside here with all you other deplorables.

Hey you I represent that accusation. Oh hang on, did I use the right word there???? 🤣😁👍

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21 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Exactly! Let them have their little tea party and eat their perfect little square shaped cakes. Pass the whiskey!  

In my case gin please with some tonics thrown in :biggrin:

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22 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Ok everyone, I just want to explain to you what is happening in the VHTV forums just so you know and understand just how fucking childish and pitiful it really is. As you all know I was suspended by StnCld for being just too negative about VHTV.  Ok, fine! I don't agree with what he did as I happen to think that this is supposed to be an open public forum, not an ad platform for VHTV. But, whatever, it's their site and if the Admin and StnCld want to bow to a particular site out of fear they may lose picture posting rights it's their business. Anyways, so on 20 Apr 2020 I returned to posting here again and as usual Jabbath couldn't stand my style for a variety of reasons. I guess posting in a way that does not prop up his way of thinking and prop up VHTV in the right way that supports his tenant and manager friends is just unacceptable for his ears to hear or his eyes to see. Basically the way it works is he is friends with VHTV and Anna/Alex and most all of the tenants that belong to that crew, and because of these relationships they become the good and worthy tenants and all the others are either fit for jokes and put downs or just indifference. The friend tenants become the upper class and the rest are just fodder for jokes and insults and if anyone dares show an interest they get splained why they are bad, which of course then means you are bad too. Comply!  Now, if you dare cross his friend tenants in some way, well then you crossed him. You see how that works. As Nack said a long time ago, tenant interaction would be our doom and indeed he was right. Jabbath values his VHTV friends more then he values the posters on CamCaps. So much so that he has abandoned you and intends to harm the forums by dividing it just to spite me. So, because Jabbath cannot stand to be exposed to other points of view out of respect for his relationships with the tenants, he and Sparkles decided to flee the forums and re-open the walled garden, the private club, the circle of protection. He and his court magician Sparkles, will be running a secondary VHTV forum(s) that is comprised of invited guests only. If you were not invited, then you know where you stand with him and his right hand man, who by the way is the biggest troll of them all you just don't know it like I do. Just trust me on that one! Sparkles is the puppet master! Anyways, you are not invited if you fail to follow the proper kind of posting that bolsters Jabbath's ego and the standing of his friends, you've said something negative about him, Sparkles, or Jabbath's VHTV friends, or you simply cannot be trusted to be in the inner circle because you dare speak to me. The club is a safe place where they will look down upon us and poke fun at you and laugh whenever you make any wrong turns. You will be the butt of their joke in secret and then the invited minions will come down from on high and sit by your side and smile with a slight smirk. The club also serves as a means to ensure compliance with their way of thinking. You must bend the knee, kiss the ring, prove your loyalty and show them the respect they demand least you be cast out of the garden to live among the peasants below. Over the course of time they will be beaming up the “good” members in the forums, the ones who project their way of proper thinking. Indeed! The VHTV forum now has overlords lurking in the clouds above. Jabbath has cast the forums into the lake of fire to spite me and those who are unworthy of him. There is now a caste system in place on CamCaps. Unfortunately, you will likely not be invited this time. It is the Anti-Amy3 club because I will not bend the knee to Jabbath!

sorry Amy3 but the big problem you have is can't stop this fucking stupid war, open a thread like this is another good example, add him in your ignore list like stnc said and the problem is solved for good and maybe we will come back as normal with the public chat because me too i am tired of this shit  useless war it never ends it's always the same circus between you and jabbath this is why for the moment i am in this club and i will post only in this club now till this war stop for good or you add him in your ignore list, you spend your time when you come back to put oil on the fire and we have this result now don't be surprised

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31 minutes ago, firewall said:

sorry Amy3 but the big problem you have is can't stop this fucking stupid war, open a thread like this is another good example, add him in your ignore list like stnc said and the problem is solved for good and maybe we will come back as normal with the public chat because me too i am tired of this shit  useless war it never ends it's always the same circus between you and jabbath this is why for the moment i am in this club and i will post only in this club now till this war stop for good or you add him in your ignore list, you spend your time when you come back to put oil on the fire and we have this result now don't be surprised

and i missed to add if many members stopped to post caps in public it's because of member like you spend their time to critic the posts of the others there is no secret you know...

you come here now just for settle your accounts with some members and to critic Vh this is a reality you want or not

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24 minutes ago, firewall said:

sorry Amy3 but the big problem you have is can't stop this fucking stupid war, open a thread like this is another good example, add him in your ignore list like stnc said and the problem is solved for good and maybe we will come back as normal with the public chat because me too i am tired of this shit  useless war it never ends it's always the same circus between you and jabbath this is why for the moment i am in this club and i will post only in this club now till this war stop for good or you add him in your ignore list, you spend your time when you come back to put oil on the fire and we have this result now don't be surprised

What a shame we have lost your valuable contribution in the public arena @firewall you will be missed but hope you find comfort in your voluntary solitude existance. No doubt you are being joined by others but hey ho such is life eh. Isn't censorship great eh :huh:


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Some of you need to act your fucking age. Supposed to be an adult forum with views positive and negative. Don't like someone's post, ignore it and move on. And people wonder why forums lose so many good members. 


Act your fucking age. 

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14 minutes ago, Robwin said:

What a shame we have lost your valuable contribution in the public arena @firewall you will be missed but hope you find comfort in your voluntary solitude existance. No doubt you are being joined by others but hey ho such is life eh. Isn't censorship great eh :huh:


Amy3 have the key for i come back in public chat and we are alot to be tired of this stupid war this is why we are in this club now and if this club is closed in the next days because it's not good for the public chat of camcaps i think many members will stop posting in public forever and the things will goes only in PM now, the target of Amy3 is jabbath sparkles Vh and who will be the next maybe me !

there is very good members think to leave this forum for good because of all this shit and if they leave i will take the same train

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