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JabbathCaps Shifts Direction To Save Itself


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30 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Ha! The useful idiot who speaks in gifs says I have a simple mind. You can’t seem to even write a complete sentence, much less a complete thought. You are low brow and dim. I can see why you were selected to do the job. 

what job ? lol 

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I see, you do know. You show them! Bluewinner can’t be pushed around. LOL! You are so played.   

Do you realise what this forum is all about ?!? 

we just post some pictures from a porn site and talk about them. lol 

you make it sound like as if we are running the world 🤣 and there are some grand conspiracy theory to take you down by some nefarious forces lol 

just take it easy. you are burning too many brain cells on this BS. 

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

Actually it is more then just a forum where people post pictures and talk about them. You are just too dim and shallow and thus you have a limited scope on things. This is what makes you an easy target.      

it's an adult site, you do not need to be a genius to figure that out. I understand you have invested so much of your time on it and it is an important part of your life, so to you it means a lot more. 


1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

 As for running the world, I never would claim that, and I don’t now. I only speak of this tiny continent the shape of the VHTV forums on the world of CamCaps. It’s ok to bury your head in the sand, I understand. I just happen to see a significantly wider view than you. I see through you and around you and I know and understand the politics that surround this place. 

 Well, I just think you have too much time on your hand, so you are over analysing everything and everyone. things are not as complicated as you think. 

1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

if you want to begin to understand what is going on here and what this club really is then simply read my first post in this topic and you just might begin to understand something. The club is not a place of positivity that it is being sold as. It is an organization that is tasked with excluding other members who do not agree with the power base of this forum, namely Jabbath and Sparkles, your leaders. It is an industrial sized bully that has targeted primarily me, but all those who dare fail to tow their line and be subservient to their way of thinking. Stand in their way and be crushed! They have deployed a strategy of hate designed to solidify their power over the forums. It’s actually pretty simple to understand.     

the club has 90 members, but only 15-20 of them are active. and they have chosen to be there, because they are tired of your trolling, your negativity and your constant bashing of VHTV and its tenants in every single topics. they just do not want to argue with you anymore, so they have left the public forum to you. why don't you just leave them alone, and let them be happy with what they have? why are you trying to ban it ?  CC has more than 80,000 members, why do you care so much about 15-20 members' in a private club? 

first you were complaining that why we are not posting in the public forum anymore, now you are unhappy about our activities in public forum. this shows that you are only looking for an excuse to ban the club, that's the only thing you care about. just let me put your mind at ease, there is no leader, and there is no coordination or plan. some people have decided to exclusively post in the club, and some members including me have decided to post in both public and private forum. 

I have only been spending more time here as I had more time on my hand as result of lockdown measures in my country. I am going back to my normal life soon, and I will not be posting as much any longer, so you do not need to be worry about that.very soon you can have the forum to yourself  lol have good night.

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5 hours ago, Amy3 said:

I know it's an adult site. That doesn't matter. It's a forum of people. Indeed, I have spent a lot of my time on this project. You have posted 1/3 of all of your posts in a about a week. You've been posting all day long and now you are back for more. No need to talk to me about time wasted, least I can reference others you respect, who are ahead of me in time wasted. 

Well, you see, this is what's wrong with your arguments. you assume some truths in your mind, and then go on a rant based on your assumption. I never said anything about you, wasting your time, I said I understand that you have invested so much time on this forum which is not the same thing.( it's not my intention to judge you or others, and determine wether the time they spend here has been wasted or not). And I did explain why the number of my posts has increased in the last couple of weeks, it was only something I did to spend my time while staying at home (because of lockdown) and it will go back to its normal level soon. 

5 hours ago, Amy3 said:

You are not entitled to a pristine environment when you are in a public space, which this is. Anyone can join. There is not a required attitude required for participating here. People here say the same things over and over again and I don't send reports trying to squash other people's viewpoints. I could just as easily call any number of people trolls as well. As Robwin once said, we are all trolls to some degree. I would argue that opening a club to exclude members is a rather trollish act.

Well, we might not be entitled to a pristine environment as you say, but we can choose whether or not we want to take part in a never-ending toxicity and negativity. by participating in a club, people have not taken away your rights or other members' right , and you are not entitled to view their posts and comments, it's up to individuals to decide wether or not they want to share their experience with others. club is just a feature that has been created by CC for members to use as they see fit, so as long as we are not breaking any of the forum's rules, I don't see anything wrong with using what has been provided by CC.

5 hours ago, Amy3 said:

It's not for me to ban anything. I am not the Admin. I'm just pointing out what the club is, how it impacts me and other members here. Does the bullied not have a right to fight back? Since I am not privy to the club I can only assume that it serves to encourage and band other members here to despise me even more and the tools used to draw them in, are access to content and information. My well being here is under assault by the existence of this club whether you want to believe it or not. But it's not just me, it sends a clear message to all the others who dare dissent from Jabbath's style. Comply or you might be denied access too. The bottom line is that, regardless of what I do and how I make anyone here feel, it is not right for the 2 most influential members to gather the primary posters here and steal the forums away from everyone else who isn't welcome because they don't post the way Jabbath and Sparkles, and I guess you, would like. The only reason some of you returned to the forums is because StnCld informed you that if the traffic in the club significantly disrupted that of the real forums, then the Admin would have good cause to end the club. That is the reason you all returned. That is the reason you are flooding the forums with posts. As StnCld said, if you don't like me, set me on ignore. It's that simple. In my view, the forums and VHTV content are not yours to steal for your own selfish ends no matter how much any member disturbs your enjoyment. It may very well be the case that the Admin is totally fine with it. If so, I will have to accept that this harsh bullying tactic used against me is acceptable and I will then have to live with that or leave.  

  Well, one can argue that you have bullied people out of the main forum, to the point that they have decided to exclude themselves from the public forum. just look at your posts from yesterday, you have been questioning my intentions for posting in public forum, and you have been calling me ( and others who dared to post in the public forum ) tools of other people. if that's not bullying, to try to silence us, then what is it ?  

I can assure you, the club is not about you, it is about VHTV. the only time you were mentioned there is when you tried to ban the club and people got upset and raised their concern, other than that it has nothing to do with you. there is no rules and requirement for members to join, and there has been no attempt to keep people from posting in public forum, in fact from the start, many members are posting in both forums. 

the reason I returned to the public forum had nothing to do with StnCld warning, and nobody ordered me to . I returned to the forum because I read a post from a member that I respect (  @Dave 27) and I realised that he and other good members were upset with the situation. other than that, CC traffic or VHTV promotion is not my primary concern. 

unfortunately, putting you on ignore-list is not a solution. it doesn't make your comments go away, as other people quote your comments,  and make them visible to people who have you on ignore list. the solution is that you limit your rants & trolling to the rant & flame section and do not spam all the topics. 

6 hours ago, Amy3 said:

The part of all of this that I find the hardest to swallow is that it is Jabbath who did this. I've always known him to be above the fray and a fair minded person. It's sad to find out that he can be this selfish and arrogant. I honestly think he knows better and he would close the club if he could, but unfortunately Sparkles won't let him and so this stain on the forums continues to develop and further rot the soul of this place one day at a time. It is a thing that feeds hate, not positivity. That much I know is true!

so you agree that Jabbath is a reasonable person. maybe you need to think harder about your actions that has made him to create the club to begin with. and it's not just Sparkles, who want to keep the club, it's more than 80% of active members, I am sure you have your eyes & ears there, you can ask them if you want lol

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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:

See, I get accused of being a certain person and then I make my argument to stick up for myself and I try to counter it and explain my position in a rationale manner, and then I get this. Indeed the bullied should just take it and shut up.    

well, I said my piece and I heard what you had to say, hopefully this has clarified things for both of us. take care

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4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

@bluewinner Allow me to tee myself up. Feel free to knock me out the park.  

Ok, tell me this. How do you know which forum to post in?  I mean is there an agreement to only post certain things in the club and not in the real forums?  What do you guys take into consideration when deciding where to post your content?


I only post in the club, when there is a discussion going on, that sounds interesting to me, otherwise I post in the public forum. I guess, it's different for other people. but, no there is no agreement. 

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5 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Ok, I admit, it did take me a couple of weeks to discover the attachment center and the fact that it houses all of the pics even the ones posted to hate clubs. So my fellow clubbers, prepare to get comfortable deleting your content otherwise I'll be doing some copying and pasting. Feel free to chatter on all you like, I don't care about any of the insider gossip crap anymore anyways.

If anyone wants to see them all and you have a premium sub all you have to do is follow the attachment center when something is happening or even after the fact and there it all is. It's pretty easy to see who is posting what fairly quickly!

By all means copy and paste them yourself. The original poster doesn't own shit. Just be careful not to post something that's already been posted in the REAL forums. That wouldn't be cool to re-post someone else's REAL post.

Have a nice day! 💋

That the first of you realising that! LOL 

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