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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #37 2020 June

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Good afternoon beautiful girls 

Leora and Malia and sexy girl 


Good afternoon 

good evening 

Good Morning 

🐨 🗼 👯 🐈 🦨 🐴 🐿️ 🐶🐱 💀🔭

Everyone have a great happy day with joy 

Leora family 


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 You know I really miss the back in the day Leora, because back then, she would always do something very special for us before leaving the apartment and  it was usually great, a perfect example when she was in Russia, she was expecting company, so after her shower and being completely dress for her company, she decided to do a quick bate for us, because she knew her company was going to be staying for a while, but unfortunately, this Leora seems to be more consistently selfish towards us before she leaves the apartment .. And by the way if this is funny or confusing to you, you're probably a person that wasn't around when Leora showed a lot of respect and gratitude towards actual members

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4 hours ago, jimbo4 said:


For the first two years on RLC  my eyes were so bad I thought that Leora was a boy......Forgive me Leora !😹😹😹



to each his own. I can respect that 🙄

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   I will express my thoughts on some history of particular subject matters. Since first ever being fortunate enough to have discovered a woman I found to be quite intriguing and undoubtedly attractive, for the most part I always believed that mostly everything was actually genuine and real with her, which fell in line with the so called projects title.

   Those beliefs included but not limited to her seemingly having possessed a substantially higher libido than others and were shrouded in her ways and actions of achieving personal sensual and sexual gratification and satisfaction.

   Although over time there were others along the way who would claim that a majority of those ways and actions were not actually genuine, and were done for some underlying reasons including viewership for certain personal benefits, I always brushed off those claims and refused to believe any of them. 

   I never forgot of the claims being made and although I refused to believe them, over time of remembering some of those claims did eventually cast a shadow of doubt that lingered in the back of my mind.

   After a substantial amount of time had past along the way, I was informed that besides the bills paid residences all of RLC's participants are provided with, they are all also provided with cost of living subsistance compensations as well as all having perks available to them in each pay period of potential extra income by means of generating as much attraction to the cams of the residences as they may want to attempt to achieve.

   Regardless of all just mentioned, as far as the one participant in particular is concerned, whether or not all of her ways and actions were ever actually more genuine and happened to occur merely spontaneously as is usually more so in real life occurrences, I usually always found a profound level of intrigue and enjoyment in observing her.

   After the arrival of her roommate, I began noticing it seemed that occasions of any significant interest were occurring less and less. Of course having someone else at the residence not only limited an amount of personal space, but also amounts of time as well related to such.

   Because it had seemed to develop that way, I began paying even closer attention to some of any occasion that would occur that may involve any significant interest, and even reviewed some several times or more. I then began to notice certain mannerisms that occurred during some of the occasions, besides a number of pretenses that were being projected during them as well.

   It pretty much had confirmed what I had begun to be skeptical about, and because of what I had eventually been informed of by someone who would be considered a highly reliable and credible source that a good bit of what occurs that seems like it might be leading to some occasion of even more significant interest, is more likely than not merely done for the cam attention for someone's eventual personal benefit.

   I still find some interest and enjoyment in observing some of the occasions and certainly always her appealing and attractive view, although it seems not nearly as much now in reaching the realization of it. It has now seemed to have become more of something to just to pass the time doing instead of something to get much excitment about.  

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
45 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

   I will express my thoughts on some history of particular subject matters. Since first ever being fortunate enough to have discovered a woman I found to be quite intriguing and undoubtedly attractive, for the most part I always believed that mostly everything was actually genuine and real with her, which fell in line with the so called projects title.

   Those beliefs included but not limited to her seemingly having possessed a substantially higher libido than others and were shrouded in her ways and actions of achieving personal sensual and sexual gratification and satisfaction.

   Although over time there were others along the way who would claim that a majority of those ways and actions were not actually genuine, and were done for some underlying reasons including viewership for certain personal benefits, I always brushed off those claims and refused to believe any of them. 

   I never forgot of the claims being made and although I refused to believe them, over time of remembering some of those claims did eventually cast a shadow of doubt that lingered in the back of my mind.

   After a substantial amount of time had past along the way, I was informed that besides the bills paid residences all of RLC's participants are provided with, they are all also provided with cost of living subsistance compensations as well as all having perks available to them in each pay period of potential extra income by means of generating as much attraction to the cams of the residences as they may want to attempt to achieve.

   Regardless of all just mentioned, as far as the one participant in particular is concerned, whether or not all of her ways and actions were ever actually more genuine and happened to occur merely spontaneously as is usually more so in real life occurrences, I usually always found a profound level of intrigue and enjoyment in observing her.

   After the arrival of her roommate, I began noticing it seemed that occasions of any significant interest were occurring less and less. Of course having someone else at the residence not only limited an amount of personal space, but also amounts of time as well related to such.

   Because it had seemed to develop that way, I began paying even closer attention to some of the any occasion that would occur involving any significant interest, and even reviewed some several times. I then began to notice certain mannerisms that occurred during some of the occasions, besides a number of pretenses that were being projected during them as well.

   It pretty much had confirmed that what I had begun to be skeptical about, and because of what I had eventually been informed of by someone who would be considered a highly reliable and credible source that a good bit of what occurs that seems like it might be leading to some occasion of even more significant interest, is more likely than not merely done for the cam attention.

   I still find some interest and enjoyment in observing some of the occasions, although it seems not nearly as much now in reaching the realization of it.   

As i always say, i can only go from what i see on cam. None of us can see anything that is not there (No one has ever see the toilet even!) let alone outside. But we all know by now that Leora has found a new interest outside simply from the amount of time she spends there now, including into the early hours. What that involves no one knows. But that is a new development simply because it was not there before. So in that aspect her life is a bit different. As i also said before if she lived on her own there would be no problem for her at all but she is not alone. Her best friend is living with her so she has to balance things out. I am sure she would never hurt her in any way but could at times feel a bit of guilt knowing Malia is alone for many hours in a country where she only knows one person well. This may account for the 'Wonderful Man' (.....Coughs loudly.....) spending last Saturday there to be with Malia but if that was an attempt to create something then it backfired as she clearly did not want anything to do with him, and i feel that it isn't what she wants anyway. So the current situation is a little tricky for both. One wants to enjoy herself outside but not upset the other by doing so, the other looks to me (At least) that she wants things to be as they were, just the 2 of them. Take Friday for example. Seeing them curled up together meant the world to one of them, like this was now perfect again. And i do have to say as it is important, that Both were and have been enjoying that experience. So they maybe having conflicting thoughts right now. Who knows? I just watch what i see and look at body language etc but when they are together they at times seem to lock into place and clearly love that moment, they lose themselves in it like this really means something - And to both of them. But because of the current situation, those moments maybe getting fewer. From a subscribers point of view it has been a wonderful thing to see and the 2 of them together has sent them to the top of the view count which they will know by now. But everyone changes, sometimes literally overnight if things then become different for whatever reason. We want them to be happy and healthy. We want what is best for them as people. But i do think that some changes that have been noted are not necessarily down the housemate, rather more to do with other things. And i am sure that finding the balance between things can be hard to do.

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