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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #41 2020 June

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4 hours ago, Nicholas said:

   I wouldn't be so certain about that translation reading perfectly New, because it's certainly not worded perfect.

Nick at times I've been liken to a dog with a bone, Matzig (it's a village in Germany) has never been to Russia, taking what he's posted I had to use Google Translate as my Russians useless to the point of none existent, translated into German, I didn't need to, but if you then translate German into English it's makes word perfect yet unnecessarily derogatory and abusive reading.

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1 minute ago, bulbus420 said:

When is the last time someone had sex in this apartment? 😅😅

It was me last night.  They were out. 

Don't tell them, it'll just gross them out.


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 Well I just checked in to the site, and it seems Malia the stand-in is performing, as Leora is performing her disappearing act, but it doesn't matter if Leora is home, because lately it seems as though we're not as important to her, for her alone time anymore, but I'm still a fan of hers, because I have invested so much time in this person, that I would just accept the small percentage of time she's allowed to us, and by the way, sometimes before I go to bed, I have the site up, but I have the split cams always up, the number one camera and the number 8 camera (just hoping against hope I guess), well anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying Malia's time, but as for me I will be signing off until I get home from work, and I'll take a look at the replays

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Guest Slipper Guyquad

Malia, dear Malia.....Number 1 views again right away. That's my girl!!Â đŸ˜»

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1 hour ago, Newark52 said:

Nick at times I've been liken to a dog with a bone, Matzig (it's a village in Germany) has never been to Russia, taking what he's posted I had to use Google Translate as my Russians useless to the point of none existent, translated into German, I didn't need to, but if you then translate German into English it's makes word perfect yet unnecessarily derogatory and abusive reading.

   New, if I'm not mistaken, I believe the site name attached to the post was actually Matzing and is shown to have been registered here since July, 2014. It appeared to be in Russian print to me so I used Google translate on my phone, and it translated it.

   Even though it may have seemed to be derogatory or abusive in nature, I'm not so certain that was what it was meant to be, because of the way it was worded, it almost seemed as though it may have been someone attempting to let someone else know that they were aware of more personal conversations between the two that others had not been, or had not noticed. 

   Although I still would not believe it, unless I was provided with a timeline of when it occurred and could in fact hear it for myself. Besides questioning the validity and timeline of the supposed conversation here in the chat thread, I also requested a timeline of the supposed conversation in private from that individual. I find it quite odd, that if such a conversation did actually even occur at all, that no one else noticed it.

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