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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #41 2020 June

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4 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

   Are you certain that your crystal ball is still working filipe ? I'd hate to prepare my popcorn, snack tray, and beverages for nothing. Meow.  😸

LOL you'd still eat all anyway wouldn't you Nick?  I'm sure whenever she gets home, she will not disappoint!

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48 minutes ago, gogism said:

My (and RLC of course, hehe) dear Queen, and the felow members, Malia as well, for sure! 😉

My sub ended a couple of days ago. Fortunatly or not - it's just a fact. Life is going on like always does. But - wait - it did go in a more pleasant way... When was that actually? Or - where are those times?

Well, my dear Queen (and all of you etc...) that times looks like have gone. Am not happy, but hey, that's life. I guess you're (my dear Queen) tasting some of it as well. And that's OK, no prob.

I will miss your looks at the cam, will miss your behind, your genuine pleasure while playing etc... There's just a thing I'd like to say (to you, ofc)...


Go out. Have a life. Get the guys - as many as you can! Have a life of your own, cancel the RLC agreement and go - your way...  But!

With all my heart I'm asking you, don't come back. Don't come back after weekends around,  beeing in a bad mood, crying and - bodering yourself about whatever it is... You were not socializing much lately and good guys are hard to find these days (hehe). You will have to try. Try hard over and over again. One day, the prince may show up for you (he might be even a royal blood, hehe).

Anyway - you should try, you should be open and honest to the ones that you like a bit more, but still - not everyone. You're not 15 anymore. And - out there - there's a real life. Be clever and have a blast! 😉

As for me, I will renew my sub when I will be able to see you some more, will see more of your behind and esspecially - you (the Queen) looking at the cam. That's just me. Trust me - you have to decide - what you would like! 😉


Kiss! 😉

wow that must have been hard for u to write, but at least u were being honest

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44 minutes ago, Lewis said:

I really hope I'm mistaken .... but, Leora put so much care into makeup, and the time that she takes to put on makeup is directly proportional to what she spends out.. so a lot of makeup time is equal to a lot of time outside 

   I understand your reasoning as it makes sense as to how it has seemed that matters such as that have seemed to become a usual occurrence there for awhile now whenever that does occur. Although having expressed this, I will also express that I recall many times when that much care was taken merely because it seemed she may have been feeling up to it, for nothing more than to remain at her residence and look her best.   

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23 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

   I mentioned earlier that someone appeared to may have returned to change and get ready for perhaps another extensive absence. I've tried consulting with the all knowing old father time but so far he has been unresponsive on the matter. 😏

a bit sorry you do this again, they do this so often around this time and you know that

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55 minutes ago, Lewis said:

Keep calm Jimbo .... this guy is lying ... I can say with almost 100% certainty that Leora's new friend is Ukrainian ... I'm not so sure about the profession anymore, because one of the two (he or the one that came in the apartment) will be a musician and plays drums in a band ....
Everything fake, American and actor ... what a big nonsense...

I am aware my friend that he's lying, but that does not lesson the disrespect and outrageous remarks he posted..

I know all about Leora's new friend, and it's not the one who came to the apartment, nor a musician ....Nevertheless!! It's her private life, and only  if she chooses to share anything with us, which she won't, will this speculation and supposition all end..

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16 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

LOL you'd still eat all anyway wouldn't you Nick?  I'm sure whenever she gets home, she will not disappoint!

   Well I suppose so. Just would rather wait and do that for something special if ya know what I mean. 🙂

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2 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

   Well, it seems that apparently Malia has returned. As far as her roommate and friend Leora, doesn't appear to be so.

Malia is doing a great job from what i've been reading.  Leora deserves some "Me" time every once in awhile.

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