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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #59 2020 July


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15 minutes ago, daerjohn2015 said:

Aan alles is een goede kant, zo leren we de andere app. ook kennen.

Everything is a good side, that's how we learn the other app. also know.

I try that regularly but they don't interest me at all

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12 minutes ago, Newark52 said:

So your week starts on Wednesday while normal weeks start either Sunday or Monday, so according to your week Monday's and Tuesday's don't exist.

A few months ago someone one here was bellyaching and posted that this wasn't Real Life, now Leora's leading a Real Life people are bellyaching because she is, it just goes to prove "you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time"

The question people must ask is " Is Leora entitled to a personal life outside the apartment? " My answer would be yes!

I can understand some of the frustration that is being aired here, but it has to be looked at in the proper context.

She has a boyfriend and is like anyone else in a relationship, wanting to spend time developing it, He probably only gets the weekends of from work so she has to fit in with his schedule....Not unreasonable !

I personally can't be bothered to watch Malia, she is not a Leora  ( but then, no one is ) I have nothing against her personally, she just does not do anything for me, and niether do the other apartments.

I have every faith in Leora, she has never let us down before, and I don't think she is now, she is going through a period of " finding her feet " having just ending one relationship and in the early days of a new one.... Give the girl a chance and it will all work out in the end...That's my opinion....I don't expect many people to agree with it.

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9 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

The question people must ask is " Is Leora entitled to a personal life outside the apartment? " My answer would be yes!

I can understand some of the frustration that is being aired here, but it has to be looked at in the proper context.

She has a boyfriend and is like anyone else in a relationship, wanting to spend time developing it, He probably only gets the weekends of from work so she has to fit in with his schedule....Not unreasonable !

I personally can't be bothered to watch Malia, she is not a Leora  ( but then, no one is ) I have nothing against her personally, she just does not do anything for me, and niether do the other apartments.

I have every faith in Leora, she has never let us down before, and I don't think she is now, she is going through a period of " finding her feet " having just ending one relationship and in the early days of a new one.... Give the girl a chance and it will all work out in the end...That's my opinion....I don't expect many people to agree with it.

I will go a long way with you except with Malia, I think Malia is the strength of the current apartment, when Leora is alone she does the same as the other girls and I think everyone knows I don't like those shows, with Malia we have something that no other apartment has to offer especially if she does this together with Leora, Malia brings out the best in Leora

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The strange thing is that RLC put a notice that Irma was going on "vacation" for two days, while for Leora, no news, she, it's been seven years living her life, in front of the cameras, maybe, she got bored, it would be of great honesty, say it and leave the project, too bad that Malia, is not yet ready to replace her.

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15 minutes ago, Sergio said:

The strange thing is that RLC put a notice that Irma was going on "vacation" for two days, while for Leora, no news, she, it's been seven years living her life, in front of the cameras, maybe, she got bored, it would be of great honesty, say it and leave the project, too bad that Malia, is not yet ready to replace her.

Immagino che dipenda tutto da dove va in vacanza.

Ieri era palese che Leora fosse nelle vicinanze visto che tornava e usciva dalla casa.

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Una cosa è chiara, Leora non può stare nel "mezzo". O lascia il progetto così che stia tutto il tempo che vuole con i suoi amici o fidanzato o con chiunque lei si veda oppure si programma meglio la giornata.


Fare come sta facendo adesso col tempo può portare solo la gente a non seguire più l'appartamento.

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2 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Immagino che dipenda tutto da dove va in vacanza.

Ieri era palese che Leora fosse nelle vicinanze visto che tornava e usciva dalla casa.

for the time being Leora is not going anywhere and Malia cannot go home even if she wants to, she seems to enjoy the cameras herself, it is far too early to think about leaving

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