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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #66 August 2020


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los comentarios que aquí vierten los detractores de leora, con el animo de ofenderla, creo que no lo están consiguiendo, ella no va a cambiar su plan de ruta, por comentarios soeces, que lo único que consiguen es ofender a alguno de los miembros de este foro.claro esta, que sea eso lo que pretendan conseguir.

insisto, no creo que ella se ofenda ni consigan hacerla cambiar, No la conozco personalmente, no la sigo en redes sociales, como alguno de ustedes, pero por lo que he observado estos años: ella es una persona con las ideas muy claras, capaz de resurgir de sus propias cenizas como el "ave fénix"( como  ha demostrado en multitud de ocasiones) y no creo que ni ustedes ni nadie la hagan desviarse de su camino.


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3 minutes ago, taxio said:

The comments made here by leora's detractors, with the intention of offending her, I think they are not succeeding, she is not going to change her route plan, due to profane comments, that the only thing they achieve is to offend some of the members of this forum. clear this, that is what they try to achieve.

I insist, I do not think that she is offended or they manage to make her change, I do not know her personally, I do not follow her on social networks, like any of you, but from what I have observed these years: she is a person with very clear ideas, capable to rise from her own ashes like the "phoenix" (as she has shown many times) and I don't think you or anyone will make her deviate from her path.


Good post. Well said! 👍

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1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

And there I was thinking I was the only one who thought so.......When a person calls another person a horrible mother fucker then that is just a matter of opinion, but when several people say the same or similar thing then rest assured he is " A horrible mother fucker" and like most delusional " horrible mother fuckers " he doesn't realise it....He passes it off as the truth..😹 

I will just say one thing about this guy Gomer love him or hate him he is playing you like a fiddle and you don't like the tune at all...

Obviously the ignore him or take no notice does not register with some people....

That said he survives on the fact he likes to shove his hand in the Hornets nest and stand back and watch what happens......

I find it quite entertaining not what he says about the Queen but what everyone say's about him..

It would not be a fair and honest Forum if everyone agreed with each other ..what happened to the comments that's my opinion..

Or is it only if I agree with it...

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5 minutes ago, brian smith said:

I will just say one thing about this guy Gomer love him or hate him he is playing you like a fiddle and you don't like the tune at all...

Obviously the ignore him or take no notice does not register with some people....

That said he survives on the fact he likes to shove his hand in the Hornets nest and stand back and watch what happens......

I find it quite entertaining not what he says about the Queen but what everyone say's about him..

What you have just said is very true and similar to what I told him a while back, he throws out the bait to see if we bite....I don't bother about personal attacks on me , I give them so I take them no problem...I don't though like personal attacks on Leora as she is not in a position to respond..

I have indeed recently blocked him so he can try his luck with someone else..

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