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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #28 (August)

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From what they said yesterday Milena and her boyfriend despite speaking as secret agents, Milena still did not know when she had to leave the apartment, I still believe that at least she is reassigned to some other apartment, otherwise she could leave with her boyfriend.

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I thought more about this emptying of B4 and I think RLC is having to swap out all the cameras because these stream in Flash, and Flash is not supported after December 31, 2020.   Unless the cameras were swapped, then RLC would go dark on January 1.  B4 has the most cameras, and exterior cameras as well, so start with the villa first.  The girls are being told to take their belongings, because RLC cannot protect these from being stolen by workers,   If my thinking is correct, the other apartments will also close for several days so cameras can be swapped.

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3 hours ago, Noldus said:

They will all leave B4 today.
So the big question is what RLC will do

Will RLC remove B4 or put it UM..
We know the maintenance for B2 took months and B1 ten months 

probably offline soon,

that would be good from RLC to update the news for us for what they want to do with B4, closed or  a long maintenance

well it's time for RLC to reduce the price  again because we lose all the girls of B4 + Baby yesterday,

RLC worth max 20 $  right now with replay includes

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2 hours ago, Sergio said:

last week, Milena, talking with her boyfriend, had said that she had asked RLC, the big room and RLC had told him that he could take it when Olya left, so if as it seems all girls leave, it was a sudden decision of RLC, I think that a villa like this in Barcelona costs a lot of money a month, maybe they are tightening their belts.

if it's the reason it's not a good sign at all for RLC

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