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Nina & Kira (2020) Part #8

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3 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

"Relationship."  This is what makes N&K stand out from the 30 "Others" out there.  And why they have a dedicated following.  

Are Nina and Kira married(to each other obviously)?.If so I would think it's a good bit more than just a "relationship".They are obviously besotted with each other.Makes a difference from just sex,sex,sex all the time.

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9 hours ago, sturmchaser said:

I'm pretty sure they were for me, @Kjeld Carlsen  😁😅  Interestingly, for once Nina was out of the door WAY before Kira, a total reversal.  And last night in bed Nina was making moves on a tired Kira.  Whatever is going on with Nina, I hope it continues!  

Hold on, now. She clearly said my name. :angel: :biggrin:

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Kira needs her sleep as she has work in the morning.Nina can and does sleep during the day 

It’s always been the same Nina on her lap top in bed while Kira trying to sleep . 
I don’t know what Nina finds look at . With me half an hour I’ve had enough. 
Unless I’m watching Kira! 
They need to find a compromise other wise thing s won’t change.

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1 hour ago, disneykid said:


I quoted the line I was talking about, but here's the whole bit.

"They HAVE to agree between each other that the BED is for sleeping and Sex only, between 23:00 and 07:00.  If either wants to stay awake, then it's up to them to leave the bedroom and take up residency in the Living room or Work room.  The kitchen and Living room is for eating, playing games and watching movies and TV."

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