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Guest Squirrel

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Did you know that TONY Abbott, Australia's Prime Minister, has warned that beheadings, like in the case of American journalist, James Foley, could happen here in Australia. This is after a number of senior muslim leaders refused to meet with him. They didn't refuse to meet with the secretary of the under secretary to the minister supporting the minister etc etc, they refused an audience with our Prime Minister, their Prime Minister (?)  He went on to say:


“It just goes to show that this is not just something that happens elsewhere, it could happen in countries like Australia if we relax our vigilance against terrorism and potential terrorism here on our shores. ISIS is the most effective terrorist movement the world has ever seen,  whose actions have ramifications for Australia. The video of the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley is a sign of the evil barbarity of the group responsible. It’s a sign that there is an utter ruthlessness and depravity about this movement which is hideous and sickening and deplorable. It just strengthens my resolve, and frankly it should strengthen every Australians resolve, to do whatever we humanly can to ensure we never have the slightest hint of this kind of thing here in Australia. I have little doubt that the ISIL movement are masters of propaganda and social media, that’s why it’s very important we redouble our vigilance and boost our efforts to ensure that our country is safe. There are about 60 Australians working with ISIL and another 100 with its support networks. This is of deep concern, yes it’s a tiny, tiny, tiny minuscule percentage of our population, but nevertheless it doesn’t take very many people, as the September 11th assault on the United States showed. It doesn’t take very many people to do enormous damage to countries using modern technology and it is quite concerning that groups like Jemaah Islamiah are being energised by ISIL. This is a different level of threat of that which have seen in the past, and Australia does need to take it very, very seriously. Yes what happens in Syria and Northern Iraq is a long way away, but it has ramifications for our country because there are Australians involved. Everyone has got to put this country, its interests, its values and its people first, and you don’t migrate to this country unless you want to join our team and that’s the point I’ll be stressing,” he told a media conference.

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If he wants to protect Australia from this Muslim threat, he can start by giving back the citizens there all of the guns that the liberals have confiscated from them.

So it took an incident of the prime minister being snubbed or slighted by these Muslims to finally get his ire up.  And then comes another gutless speech from another inept politian about vigilance, and people have to play nice if they want to joint our team.

You would think someone would finally get smart and tough and just start expelling all of these Muslims fuckers now inhabiting their countries.  Hell, you'd be a hero to the people there if you did.  And who knows, maybe some of the other countries would begin to take notice and start doing the same.

But you will have to overcome the Muslims great defenders first in doing this, which are the liberals. 

I would make a strong speech to the people of Australia in stating what I intend to do, and would ask them to rally in the streets and to show their support for me in doing this.  I would also include the police and the military in that plea to rally behind me and save our country.    Then lets see the liberals try to stop you from doing what is necessary in order to preserve your own national identity and sovereignty.

Now how's that for sending a message to these Muslim mother fuckers? 

Oh it would be a passionate speech building up to a great crescendo.  I would have some of the finest minds crafting it with my own little comments inserted into it here and there.

I would tell them that I am no longer interested in trying to discern under the cloak they wear whether they are a moderate Muslim, or peaceful, fun loving Muslim, or a happy go lucky Muslim, or whatever else they may now try to claim to be, and that I want them finally out of this country for the good of this country period! 

I would mention these sixty traitors who are taking in Muslim money to betray their own people.  I would tell them that one man alone can not do anything to save this country, and that it must be met with the will and support of the people here, and with the people that reside within our military.

I would tell them to not just sit, watch, and listen, but to show yourself, and to join me in the streets so as to let all the traitors of this country know, that we will no longer put up with this assault upon all of what we hold to be sacred and dear to us.  The safety and the freedom of our own loving families. 

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I want someone to explain to me what a moderate Muslim looks like and what he believes in? Does he insist his wife wears a veil? Does he insist she stays at home and virtually never leaves the house? Does he control his children and insist his 10 year old daughter wears head cover and never shows any flesh?

Does he insist that she only ever marries a Muslim and that she can NEVER change religion?

Doe he believe Gays must be killed and not tolerated? Does he believe all none Muslims are the enemy and therefore must be eliminated? Does he think Sharia Law is fair and treats women as equals? Does he think it's fair to be able to take more than one wife?

Surely as a God fearing Muslim he has to believe these teachings? There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. They only difference is that most Muslims are not terrorists and do not kill others, however I never hear millions of good Muslims condemning terrorists. I never see them marching in the streets and if I did then I would not, of course, see any women with them!!!!

I hope Australia starts defending their country from this evil now. It is too late for the UK. Our government will never stand up to these people. They are infesting the UK more and more. We even talk about what might happen if these guys who leave the UK to join ISIS come back to the UK? Why the fuck can't they be arrested and tried for treason. I am ashamed that a man (well he isn't really a member of the human race but for want of a better word lets call him a man) from London can kill an American in the name of Islam. Londonistan is growing out of control.

We in the West can never win a war when we wont let ourselves do what is necessary to win. Fucking wet politicians only know appeasement. Have they never looked back through history and realised appeasement ALWAYS fails. 

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See woodworker. I agreed wholeheartedly with 2 of your posts. Would a LIberal agree with what you wrote? And it isn't smoke and mirrors either. Christians and Jews better wake up. Extermination of our kind is well under way.

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When I first saw your 'Likes', in agreeing with what I had said, I thought, Hmmm, could be a ploy.  Don't let a bug get the better of you.  But then when I read what you said about Christians and Jews better wake up, I knew that you weren't such a bad Parasite after all.

Squirrel had tried to convince me that you were alright, but I just thought that he was just trying to be nice.

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See woodworker. I agreed wholeheartedly with 2 of your posts. Would a LIberal agree with what you wrote? And it isn't smoke and mirrors either. Christians and Jews better wake up. Extermination of our kind is well under way.

I, for one, am glad to see that you're jumping back in to the sandbox again. I was afraid if Nick left that things would get very boring around here, and I'd have to get vehement again, and start using the "F" word to get some attention.

Although I know that this is all smoke & mirrors, is Nora doing well?  :D

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Well, that's the end of this board. Every thing that I thought would never happen has happened.

That's why I said, we have to figure this dude out. He may be real. He may be leading us down the dark path. Be wary. It was too easy.

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Did you know? Sometimes humans accomplish something after millions of years of evolution. Sometimes it's just a matter of creating a wheel or a microwave oven or a goddamn cell phone.

But sometimes, it would awe our ancestors.


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