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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #29 (September)

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2 minutes ago, John the Baptist said:

What happened with Nelly and Bogdan getting such a bad reputation on site here? I liked watching them before The Big Russian Purge (also because Nelly has some nice kinky bdsm tendancies)

because tired to see the same people again and again on RLC , this site has zero ambition they fall always in the facility

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31 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Dear god must be a negative record for rlc..five rejoins at same time.Are they putting the price lower?We getting so much of the same again and again.When we think it cant get worst lol.


To be honest, I don't see a real issue when residents come back. To see Nelly and Bodgan back is definitely a plus.

Holly and Magan are also a win. However, I hope that Magan will do without the shows this time and remain realistic. Too bad that her BF is not in the cast.

Anyway, I still hope that RLC will open more couple apartments.

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What a disaster with all recycled goods back. Megan in the big bed only means one thing and that’s her tattooed hired hand will be back before you know it and why the fuck have Nellie & Bogdan back and in the twin room? RLC must be desperate to fill the villa with no new blood available. Only hope they leave Curly to lust over Gina and not return to Holly but then she’ll probably just have one of his mates, hairy ass maybe? That just leaves Amira for a hope of normality, then who will occupy the top floor room???

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12 minutes ago, Mauri said:

will start doing shows with Megan and when her boyfriend arrives he will play with them, usual scene already seen

After Megan and her BF did shows with other girls/couples I always expected them to do something with Holly.  But both times he visited Holly barely said a word to him.

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2 minutes ago, Alladino said:


Ad essere onesti, non vedo un vero problema quando i residenti tornano. Rivedere Nelly e Bodgan è sicuramente un vantaggio.

Anche Holly e Magan sono una vittoria. Tuttavia, spero che Magan questa volta faccia a meno degli spettacoli e rimanga realista. Peccato che il suo fidanzato non sia nel cast.

Comunque, spero ancora che RLC apra più appartamenti per un paio.

sei incoerente, non vuoi spettacoli, ma sei contento del ritorno di Megan e Holly sapendo che ci saranno spettacoli anche quanto riporterà il fidanzato, quindi non dirmi che non è quello che vuoi vedere

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15 minutes ago, firewall said:

lol and fucking lol when i see the "new" casting for B4 😂

two days ago i said minimum 50 % or more of recycled girls but the answer was 100 %, i am done with RLC seriously, zero envy to renew for see this recycled casting one more time

i think @nagachilli2 will be very happy with this recycled casting too 😏

i did tell u lol

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2 minutes ago, bnvhdsh29 said:

Dopo che Megan e il suo fidanzato hanno fatto spettacoli con altre ragazze / coppie, mi aspettavo sempre che facessero qualcosa con Holly. Ma entrambe le volte che andò a trovare Holly gli disse a malapena una parola.

Holly era una ragazza timida quando è arrivata, si è trasformata con l'arrivo di Valera  e facendo soldi all'esterno

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Just now, Mauri said:

you're incoherent, you don't want shows, but you're happy with the return of Megan and Holly knowing that there will be shows also what the boyfriend will bring back, so don't tell me that's not what you want to see.


Magan and Holly look just perfect and are nice people. Of course I think it is good that they are back.

Do I hope for a way more realistic apartment?  Yes, I think it is important for RLC to be way more realistic and stop the shows. 

This is not contradictory.

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1 minute ago, Alladino said:


Magan e Holly sembrano semplicemente perfetti e sono brave persone. Ovviamente penso che sia un bene che siano tornati.

Spero in un appartamento molto più realistico? Sì, penso che sia importante per RLC essere molto più realistico e fermare gli spettacoli. 

Questo non è contraddittorio.

Maegan non è per niente realistca, e la cosa non cambierà, gli spettacoli continueranno

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6 minutes ago, happyman88 said:

Has anyone worked out where this so called fitness room is located; this must have been one of their “escape” rooms we never saw before ?

Downstairs - on the level of the BBQ garden

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