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US General Domestic Politics #9 Begin 10/01/20

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5 hours ago, Alladino said:


The probability that the Senate will go to the Democrats with a substantial majority is very low. In addition to that, the probability that the Democrats would lose this already unlikely majority in two years is very high. If Biden is successful, he might be able to improve Obama care a bit, but there will certainly not be enough time to build an actual social democracy.

The further development of the USA will be decided in later elections, but only if these then still exist by removing the wanna be dictator Trump from office. What matters now is that the USA will remain a democracy. All the hate, all the lies and destruction that Trump brings must stop. Biden will be able to stabilize the USA.



You think you are so fucking intelligent, but you are so simple minded. If the Democrats win the Senate by one seat while retaining the House and gaining the presidency they will change the whole political future of the country. By simply eliminating the filibuster rule in the Senate they will be able to pass any legislation that they want with just a simple majority in the Senate and House. That includes increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court which will result in a liberal progressive Court.  Then they will grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants, thus greatly increasing the Democrat majority in the country. Democrats will also make the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico U.S. states which will give their party 4 more senators. They will also eliminate the electoral college, so that power to choose a president will rest with the large cities with rural areas essentially having no say in presidential elections. The U.S. will become what California is, a one party state.  Not to mention that the news media will be supportive of everything Democrats do, no matter how illegal or unconstitutional their actions are.

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My Prediction 14 days out from the Presidential election that will take longer than Bush Gore election took to settle, the outcome will still be sad for the democrats.

 I have played with all the different outcomes and project Trump wins by a narrow margin   274 to 264     in the electoral college. 29 red states to 22 blues states and DC.

Here is the link to the NBC virtual election:


Build your own 2020 electoral map or explore Steve Kornacki's and Chuck Todd’s picks for potential outcomes.


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