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US General Domestic Politics #10 Begin 10/29/20

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15 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

     Still using Arnold Palmer's image I see, well he would undoubtedly be embarrassed enough to sue the hell out of a wittle snowflake such as yourself if he was stlli alive and around and was made aware that someone such as yourself was doing so. By the way wittle snowflake, the Great Jack Nicklaus recently within the last couple of days just endorsed President Trump. 😏 

luckily for him he isn't around to see what is happening to this country with morons like you worshipping dear leader. and if jack has endorsed dumbo he's making a huge mistake.

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13 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

as i said before if this were the 70's you'd be in jonestown. have some more kool aid.




And how many years have you been drinking the liberal progressive socialist Marxist Democrat kool aid? I guess you like paying higher taxes, $6/ gallon gasoline, and utility bills that will double or triple. 

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5 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough ripped President Donald Trump’s supporters who blocked highways and tried to run a Joe Biden campaign bus off the road over the weekend. The “Morning Joe” host said those “Trump...


Joe Scarborough is such a lying phony son of a bitch. Didn't see him complaining when BLM and ANTIFA  were blocking highways. 

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

luckily for him he isn't around to see what is happening to this country with morons like you worshipping dear leader. and if jack has endorsed dumbo he's making a huge mistake.

    No, not at all. He just used a little of his common sense. Something you snowflakes obviously lack since you all obviously lack very much of any measure of intelligence anyway.

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4 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Joe Scarborough is such a lying phony son of a bitch. Didn't see him complaining when BLM and ANTIFA  were blocking highways. 

    The snowflakes of the modern marxist/socialist/communist party of America have nobody of any actual substance of character or integrity or honesty so they have to resort to advertising those that are nothing more than two faced dishonest worthless sorry excuses of humanity in attempts to pass along their dishonest and false propaganda. That's why the best they could come up with to run in a general election was an old cognitively impaired and worsening 47 year political establishment swamp rat corrupt and crooked career politician who sold out the working class of the country by directly being involved in federal legislation with his buddy obummer causing 1000's of manufacturing facilities and plants to move to foreign countries such as China, which in turn caused direct losses of 100's of 1000's of any affiliated or associated jobs that are referred to as being outsourced to other countries such China as well. All while corruptly enriching himself and his corrupt family through influence peddling and very likely money laundering in the process. Those people that push and support someone so ridiculous, are psychoticly deranged and dilusional as hell and really need to spend some time in some asylums or mental institutions. 

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