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US General Domestic Politics #10 Begin 10/29/20

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Republicans still have the Senate and have also gained seats in the House, so the Democrats' progressive  "scorched earth" dream is dead.   Now it is time for the Republican resistance in Congress to stop Democrats from accomplishing anything. Turn about is fair play.  It's now their turn for resist, resist, resist!!!!!!.  :tongue:

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6 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Most likely Trump will be in prison 2024 😂

For what? Not kissing European leaders' asses and not selling out America's middle class to the rest of the world like Obama did.  I thought you wanted U.S. troops out of Germany. Trump was removing troops, but I promise you Biden will not. 

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

Yeah, he will be really sad as a billionaire with a beautiful wife. 

Oh Ridg remember's when i said to you in early of this year. the voting to(Alien's)is less disaster than voting to Trump. Oh well, my wishes has been achieved. So wish if that's billionaire will give you one single $ after kick him out from the White House. 😋

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7 hours ago, jabbath1987 said:

Well I still have faith in the Supreme Court as judges there are appointed for life and can't be fired. So they don't have to do a decision in anybodys favor. 

trump appointed 3 of them & he thinks that they will do what he wants.

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