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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2020 #34 (November)

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Just now, ddhm said:

Still posting and being active , hope you are safe and fine dear friend . 

I'm fine the mall closed today I'm at home I've made it back hours ago but I think someone got shot it was a bunch of ambulances 

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5 minutes ago, corboblanc said:

it's okay, stop with ariana, this girl is able to masturbate in the middle of a bus of old people on a cruise !!! as usual she left the evening to go tell megan about her life !!! martina has done everything to get closer to holly, and despite having kissed her at 11pm, holly seems not to be interested, yet martina is beautiful, it is almost incomprehensible, but that makes 2 times that holly seems to be sucked elsewhere !!! result, martina sleeps so much she gets pissed off, and she is right !!!

Martina probably wished she'd gone home with Alberto at this stage of the night...I think we've all done it where we're sniffing around someone, think we're in with a real chance, get another drink or miss that last bus home...and we get blown out...Taxi or walk!...That's life lol...

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2 hours ago, Moosecini said:

I did notice Martina has her time of the month, so I doubt she'll get too crazy.

Perhaps this has affected her presence after a certain moment , she can usually go till late hours and with lots of drinks 

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2 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

For me there was never any doubts that Alberto was a nice guy and that his relationship with Martina was solid. My only issue is that he just doesn't fuck good so I can't take watching them seriously at all.

Their sex is weird at times , but they have their own chemistry and what matters the most is that they enjoy their sex themselves . Some of the best sex we can always see between Alex and Lucian , for my taste at least . I think the best whenever is happening is between Gina and Bruno , it might be between Bogdan and Nelly but Nelly isn’t my type and I don’t watch and last but not least , the top of all is when Masha has sex ... no comparison to anyone 😏

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2 hours ago, ze81 said:

M&A are a very united couple,if they agree she will go far in the shows in b4..then will happen.Think this way is the correct one,couple will continue happy and with some more adventures and money in pockets😉.

The most important is that they stay with RLC for as long as they feel like or want and not get kicked like Carla and Yanai .. then , we can see for sure lots of staff as long as the door to the villa has opened for both of them 😊

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7 minutes ago, Kingbanks said:

I'm fine the mall closed today I'm at home I've made it back hours ago but I think someone got shot it was a bunch of ambulances 

I don't want to get into a political discussion here King....but I will NEVER understand your gun laws over there...🥴

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