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Fan Page Leora 2020 #2


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il y a 29 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Je vais répéter, car ce soir est en effet un peu étrange, du point de vue du temps. Tout va bien, regarder la télé ensemble cet après-midi, pas de problème, et ils se sont couchés ce soir pour regarder la tablette. Ensuite, vous-savez-qui a décidé d’interrompre et a fini par (pour la 170e fois) la faire chier, juste 4 joursaprès avoir recréé. Cela mena à une autre de ses énormes conférences textuelles au visage de pierre, pendentif que Malia lui caressait les cheveux pour la calm. Le fait que Malia ait même pu toucher Leora plus tard était un cadeau, compte tenu de ce qui s’est passé, considérant qu’elle est à nouveau agacée par lui. Donc pour Leora prendre tout par surprise à une heure aussi tardive - Peut-être même fait pour le contrarier - devrait être considéré comme un bonus très bienvenu! Dernièrement, elle n’a pas été très d’humeur, pour une raison quelconque, mais le fait est que nous avons vu 2 bates en 2 jours - Et c’est une surprise, en pensant à ce que ce deuxième n’a jamais regardé sur les cartes. Et je suis aussi sûr que Malia l’a en effet réchauffée! Elle a certainement apprécié ce qu’elle a vu d’en haut!

Faites-y face, cessez de l’ignorer !! - Ce PussyBoy a changé et modifier toujours son comportement devant la caméra - NOUS AVONS VU QUE CE SOIR !! SOYEZ GLAD & RECONNAISSANT ELLE A FAIT CE QU’ELLE A FAIT !!

Bonjour Merci pour ta conclusion d’hier soir car je n est pas regardé je remarque que c est repartie les disputes mais par SMS pour l instant

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49 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

I will repeat, because tonight was indeed a little odd, time wise. Things were ok, watching TV together this afternoon, no problems, and they got on the bed this evening to watch the tablet. Then You-Know-Who decided to interrupt, and ended up (For about the 170th time) pissing her off, just 4 days after making up again. This led to yet another of her massive stone faced text lectures, done while Malia stroked her hair to calm her. The fact Malia got to even touch Leora later was a gift, considering what had happened, considering she was annoyed by him again. So for Leora to take all by surprise at such a late hour - Maybe even done to spite him - Should be considered a very welcome bonus! Lately she hasn't been in the mood much, for whatever reason, but the fact is we have seen 2 bates in 2 days - And that is a surprise, thinking of how this second one never looked on the cards. And i'm also sure Malia had indeed warmed her up! She certainly enjoyed what she saw from above!

Face it, STOP IGNORING IT!! - This PussyBoy has altered and is still altering how she is behaving on camera - WE HAVE SEEN THAT TONIGHT!! BE GLAD & GRATEFUL SHE DID WHAT SHE DID!! 


EDIT - Since writing this just 25 minutes ago, she is now talking to him all lovingly again so we're back to square one and it's all forgiven AGAIN. FORGET IT!! IT'S HOPELESS!!

When you think about how much time and money she spends at the hair salon, I think she should seriously consider spending the same amount of time and money on counseling.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
45 minutes ago, jetlag8 said:

When you think about how much time and money she spends at the hair salon, I think she should seriously consider spending the same amount of time and money on counseling.

Never happen 😟

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2 hours ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

EDIT - Since writing this just 25 minutes ago, she is now talking to him all lovingly again so we're back to square one and it's all forgiven AGAIN. FORGET IT!! IT'S HOPELESS!!

Sicuro fosse lui? Di solito è Paul che chiama così presto. 

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1 hour ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Never happen 😟

For that to ever happen, like anyone she would have to admit to herself that she does indeed have the problem....And that she will never consider.....No different to anyone else really.🤪

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16 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

However, I was surprised that she masturbated so suddenly. Kind of like she did in the old days, you didn't know if she masturbated or if she had already masturbated in the day. 

A pleasant surprise. 

Yes! It certainly was...After a drought of several days, a refreshing and welcome 24+ hours...Kudos to you Leora.🙃

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