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Fan Page Leora 2020 #2


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7 hours ago, ddhm said:

Each and every day you can feel that the smiles are reduced and more the wondering moments are taking over in the apartment . Perhaps this is a reason also why Malia prefers now to wake up earlier and go away from the apartment without Leora , perhaps like this she escapes the toxic atmosphere which has brought from the outside activities , inside their living place . 

Ed è per questo che tenere fuori dall'appartamento la loro vita privata non può funzionare. 

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What has happened to those halcyon days when all the members had to worry about was how long Leora would dance for, or how many times would she play today, vibrator or dildo, anal with finger or dildo, kitchen bathroom balcony bedroom or living room, floor bed or table...Oh what permutations of delight were forthcoming.

And now!!!!!  When will she next lose her temper, will she perform at least once this week, will we ever see her really happy again.....?????

Do me a favour Leora please.......SORT YOUR FUCKING SELF OUT WOMAN for your own sanity. 

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Comunque, penso che siamo tutti d'accordo nel dire che se si arriva alla situazione che uno dei due si inventa delle scuse per non vedere l'altro vuol dire che il loro rapporto è andato giù come il Titanic. 

Quando si arriva a quel punto è finita. 

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5 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Anyway, I think we can all agree that if it comes to the situation that one of them makes up excuses for not seeing the other it means that their relationship has gone down like the Titanic. 

When you get to that point it's over. 

At least the Titanic went down with dignity and grace.

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
7 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

At least the Titanic went down with dignity and grace.

Yes and also many of us could, week and weeks ago have yelled together -


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Guest Slipper Guyquad
10 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

What has happened to those halcyon days when all the members had to worry about was how long Leora would dance for, or how many times would she play today, vibrator or dildo, anal with finger or dildo, kitchen bathroom balcony bedroom or living room, floor bed or table...Oh what permutations of delight were forthcoming.

And now!!!!!  When will she next lose her temper, will she perform at least once this week, will we ever see her really happy again.....?????

Do me a favour Leora please.......SORT YOUR FUCKING SELF OUT WOMAN for your own sanity. 

YES!! BUT!! This is what it has become, because it has been allowed to happen. None of this has been organic, or natural. I said months and months ago on the forum, it would take the introduction of just one Dickhead into this apartment to wreck the whole thing - And i have been proved right. Even though he has never set foot in the place! So NOW, she is yelling at him, looking at hairstyles on Instagram, or going out. Then we may see her and Malia together. Or if not, maybe Leora does something alone.

That Mr. Ideal, has helped to make her what we see now. Other things have contributed (Some without her knowing or aware i feel) but he is THE major factor. He is why she cries much more, yells much more, loses her cool much more, yet then can turn into a soppy lovesick kid at the drop of a hat. All thanks to this pathetic Lapdog. Someone she doesn't even want to be with in person very often, let alone love. 

Say what you like about Paul, whether you like him or loathe him, but she was happy, contented with him. Yes they argued, yes she could get angry and yes, he did things he should never have, but in general, they were very happy together. She and him were made for each other. Soulmates. And guess what? They still are. That is why she is STILL happy and contented when they speak. And i don't think she will ever be totally happy unless Paul joins her there, just how i see it.

PussyBoy have any idea how much she still talks to him?? Let alone how she 'Treats' him at times on Skype.....

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5 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

YES!! BUT!! This is what it has become, because it has been allowed to happen. None of this has been organic, or natural. I said months and months ago on the forum, it would take the introduction of just one Dickhead into this apartment to wreck the whole thing - And i have been proved right. Even though he has never set foot in the place! So NOW, she is yelling at him, looking at hairstyles on Instagram, or going out. Then we may see her and Malia together. Or if not, maybe Leora does something alone.

That Mr. Ideal, has helped to make her what we see now. Other things have contributed (Some without her knowing or aware i feel) but he is THE major factor. He is why she cries much more, yells much more, loses her cool much more, yet then can turn into a soppy lovesick kid at the drop of a hat. All thanks to this pathetic Lapdog.

Say what you like about Paul, whether you like him or loathe him, but she was happy, contented with him. Yes they argued, yes she was angry and yes, he did things he should never have, but in general, they were very happy together. She and him were made of each other. And guess what? They still are. That is why she is STILL happy and contented when they speak.

PussyBoy have any idea how much she still talks to him?? Let alone how she 'Treats' him at times on Skype.....

Why don't you speak your mind....Say what you got to say man....Stop pussyfooting around and bothering about people's feelings.....Spit it out...🤣🤣🤣

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
16 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Why don't you speak your mind....Say what you got to say man....Stop pussyfooting around and bothering about people's feelings.....Spit it out...🤣🤣🤣

Hmm, maybe i should keep it in, just hint at it.....😆

Mind you, i can say the same to your good self at times!!🤣


But very importantly - WHY do we say it? WHY do we speak the harsh truth? Because we care. Because we don't like seeing her change this way. When WE can see problems, and can also see how she can make quite simple changes to solve some of them, yet she can't or won't. That's the key.

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