HarleyFatboy Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 3 minutes ago, bluewinner said: 🤣 good subscriber ? what does that mean ? lol You're giving me a headache Blue....it means you can't even be true to yourself when you make a post. I swear, if I didn't know any better I would think you are Moos' twin brother the way you defend everything RLC. It's unnatural to not have complaints and criticisms about a site that deals in porn.....unnatural I say.
bluewinner Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said: I'm not worried about it Blue, but I have just as much a right to voice my opinion as you do regardless if I'm not a subscriber. If you would mind your own business instead of always trying to piss somebody off with your smart ass comments, you would do much better in life! well, you can write whatever you want, but it's ridiculous to have a strong opinion about something that has nothing to do with you. it's like you have a restaurant in your town that you never buy anything from them, and you have no intention to do so in the future too, but you go and write on their walls everyday, demanding them to change their menu. 🤣 why should anyone take your opinion seriously? it's just ridiculous. 3
HarleyFatboy Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 Just now, Barni said: Why are there always problems, when Harley posts ? Because Harley is a damn good guy and people just can't stand it....that's why! 2 1
HarleyFatboy Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 1 minute ago, bluewinner said: well, you can write whatever you want, but it's ridiculous to have a strong opinion about something that has nothing to do with you. it's like you have a restaurant in your town that you never buy anything from them, and you have no intention to do so in the future too, but you go and write on their walls everyday, demanding them to change their menu. 🤣 why should anyone take your opinion seriously? it's just ridiculous. I was a subscriber to RLC when you were still shitting yellow little boy. I know the ends and outs of how RLC operates unlike many on this forum and just because I'm no longer a subscriber doesn't mean that I can't voice my opinion off of what I've been told in PM's or read on this forum. Like I said, I have just as much right to post as you do Blue. If you don't take anything I say seriously, it's you that has the problem, not me. I think you do take a lot of what I post seriously and that's why it bothers you so much.....just pure speculation on my part!!
bluewinner Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said: You're giving me a headache Blue....it means you can't even be true to yourself when you make a post. I swear, if I didn't know any better I would think you are Moos' twin brother the way you defend everything RLC. It's unnatural to not have complaints and criticisms about a site that deals in porn.....unnatural I say. lol you are funny. I have my criticism and I have made comments about them in the past. but in general, I am happy with RLC otherwise I would not continue to pay them. if watching RLC made me unhappy, I would cancel my sub and I'll move on with my life. unlike you.
bluewinner Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said: I was a subscriber to RLC when you were still shitting yellow little boy. I know the ends and outs of how RLC operates unlike many on this forum and just because I'm no longer a subscriber doesn't mean that I can't voice my opinion off of what I've been told in PM's or read on this forum. Like I said, I have just as much right to post as you do Blue. If you don't take anything I say seriously, it's you that has the problem, not me. I think you do take a lot of what I post seriously and that's why it bothers you so much.....just pure speculation on my part!! no, it doesn't matter if you were a subscriber 10 years ago or whenever it was. right now you are not, so everything you write is just utter nonsense. I just like to point that out from time to time so that if there are some new members reading your post they know they should not pay much attention to it. it's more like a BS alert. 😅
Daleys Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 1 minute ago, bluewinner said: no, it doesn't matter if you were a subscriber 10 years ago or whenever it was. right now you are not, so everything you write is just utter nonsense. I just like to point that out from time to time so that if there are some new members reading your post they know they should not pay much attention to it. it's more like a BS alert. 😅 I hate to admit it but i think he is secretly still subscribed. 4
Mauri Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 19 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said: Penso che sia colpa di Nelly e Bogdan Mauri. Mi rendo conto che una grande parte del problema sono le ripetizioni delle ragazze ... questo è un gioco da ragazzi e mi rendo anche conto che gli spettacoli si sono ripetuti più e più volte prima che loro fossero lì. Ora però, se guardi cosa hanno fatto coinvolgendo Martina e Alberto, e personalmente credo che abbiano cercato di coinvolgere Carla e Yawnee ed è per questo che non sono qui oggi, è peggiorato molto IMO. Se guardi quanti altri ragazzi si sono presentati da quando sono stati in B4, non puoi dire che non è colpa loro. Guarda tutte le cene di famiglia che hanno e le feste di BS che hanno avuto. Solo avendo un ragazzo dal vivo (Bogdan) e un ragazzo sposato, dice solo di portare i ragazzi ... più siamo, meglio è. Essendo lui e Nelly lì, hanno creato un precedente per come sarà la casa d'ora in poi. La cosa triste è che Bogdan sa che ci sono molte persone scontente della sua presenza, ma questo alimenta il suo atteggiamento arrogante e gli fa venire voglia di dire Fanculo agli spettatori. Vuole che tutti sappiano chi dirige questo spettacolo e farà di tutto per dimostrarlo. Bogdan è un manipolatore ed è bravo in questo. Guarda quante persone solo su questo forum, che pensano di essere un dono di Dio all'uomo! Non dovrebbe partecipare ed essere anche un manager. C'è un vecchio detto nel mio paese ... "un uomo non caga dove mangia" e con lui che è lì è esattamente quello che sta succedendo. Non mi è mai piaciuto il ragazzo e non mi piacerà mai, non importa quante persone cercheranno di difendere il SOB !! Non credo che sia Bogdan ad organizzare gli spettacolo o a dire di portare ragazzi, lui ha sempre cercato ti tenere tutti uniti, guardando film, cenando insiene e magari qualche festa, ma non organizza lui le feste che si trasformano in sex party, anzi, si e’ sempre tirato fuori quando succede questo, e non credo siano neanche i piani alti superiori a Bogdan, a dire alle ragazze di organizzare feste di nudo, o stronzate varie, ti ripeto, non lo sto difendendo, ma e’ il resto del cast delle ragazze GOV che e’ sbagliato, se mettessero ragazze tipo Elmira o Aleksandra, che non sono ragazze che prendono l’iniziativa ad organizzare questo tipo di cose, anche se ci fossero N&B, sarebbe un appartamento normale 1
HarleyFatboy Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 Just now, bluewinner said: lol you are funny. I have my criticism and I have made comments about them in the past. but in general, I am happy with RLC otherwise I would not continue to pay them. if watching RLC made me unhappy, I would cancel my sub and I'll move on with my life. unlike you. Always the same replies from you people!! You are the one that has no life Blue (I was in your shoes at one time and that's how I know), there is no way you could have a life because you are always on here defending RLC. Every time I logon, you are on and blabbering away about something. I can promise you I spend 90% more time off of this forum than you do my friend. I call you friend because I know, you know, that I, am just trying to toughen you up and you appreciate me for it. I logon to the forum to catch up on the apartments and then I leave. You wake up, scratch your nut sack, grab a Dr. Pecker out of the fridge, bump the mouse on your computer to get it out of hibernation mode, and then spend the next 16 to 20 hours on here and RLC. Not me my friend, I have much better things to do with my time ever since I finally saw the direction RLC was heading. You say you like it and that's good, I would surely hope you wouldn't pay for something you didn't like!! 3 minutes ago, bluewinner said: no, it doesn't matter if you were a subscriber 10 years ago or whenever it was. right now you are not, so everything you write is just utter nonsense. I just like to point that out from time to time so that if there are some new members reading your post they know they should not pay much attention to it. it's more like a BS alert. 😅 LMAO that's some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are!! 2 minutes ago, Daleys said: I hate to admit it but i think he is secretly still subscribed. Another doubting Thomas...got to love it!!
HarleyFatboy Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 9 minutes ago, Mauri said: I don't think it's Bogdan who organizes the shows or says to bring guys, he has always tried to keep you all together, watching movies, having dinner together and maybe some parties, but he doesn't organize the parties that turn into sex parties, on the contrary, yes. He's always pulled out when this happens, and I don't think it's even the upper floors above Bogdan, telling the girls to organize nude parties, or shit, I repeat, I'm not defending him, but it's the rest of the cast of GOV girls which is wrong, if they put girls like Elmira or Aleksandra, who are not girls who take the initiative to organize this kind of thing, even if there were N&B, it would be a normal apartment I have to respectfully disagree Mauri, and it will never be anything close to normal as long as there are male tenants involved and especially Bogdan...he and Nelly are showboat's all the way!! I couldn't tell you how many times I've read comments on here about Nelly.....oh, here comes Nelly to ruin it all or I wish Nelly would just leave and let the girls be alone. You can't tell me they don't affect this house and the more you talk about them the way you are, I can't help but to think you are supporting them being there and you are defending them. Don't be angry with what I've said, it's just how I read it!
bluewinner Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 2 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said: Always the same replies from you people!! You are the one that has no life Blue (I was in your shoes at one time and that's how I know), there is no way you could have a life because you are always on here defending RLC. Every time I logon, you are on and blabbering away about something. I can promise you I spend 90% more time off of this forum than you do my friend. I call you friend because I know, you know, that I, am just trying to toughen you up and you appreciate me for it. I logon to the forum to catch up on the apartments and then I leave. You wake up, scratch your nut sack, grab a Dr. Pecker out of the fridge, bump the mouse on your computer to get it out of hibernation mode, and then spend the next 16 to 20 hours on here and RLC. Not me my friend, I have much better things to do with my time ever since I finally saw the direction RLC was heading. You say you like it and that's good, I would surely hope you wouldn't pay for something you didn't like!! you have more post than most people on RLC topics lol don't tell me you have a life beside being here full-time moaning about Bogdan & Nelly 🤣 no one is going to believe your stories 😅 you must be very miserable to spend so much time on something that you claim you do not like/enjoy. 😁
HarleyFatboy Posted January 3, 2021 Posted January 3, 2021 3 minutes ago, bluewinner said: you have more post than most people on RLC topics lol don't tell me you have a life beside being here full-time moaning about Bogdan & Nelly 🤣 no one is going to believe your stories 😅 you must be very miserable to spend so much time on something that you claim you do not like/enjoy. 😁 LOL have a good day little boy Blue!! 1
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