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US General Domestic Politics #1 Begins 01/01/21.

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8 hours ago, ooopel said:

 Oye, Something to laugh at, Oh I bet there will be someone out there! who will shout at this the demonstration in DC, by say lives the king and falls Trump 😋, and there one else if you approach to him and ask him why you are here? he will say the elections was stolen from (Mike Pence) or even George Clooney! he didn't know yet from who one? the elections has stolen as what the fake slogan says!! I yelled to my thoughts(cuttee the stream)🤔 ! Oh my dear boy you have bad infromed, no blame go to home my boy☺️❤️ And there some of them if you come close of them,and asked them why you here? Hey mrs! free ride, free meals.Free beds (free action on it) ☺️.He says also( I swear  i will be here every day any time they need me)😋. So you don't know why you here. He maybe will answer because the elections was fraud. But my Trumpy is won the elections,and if you told him! (how he won the elections? if you think it was there fraud?) just you won't get an any answer!! Then only god knows at then what happens on his brain..😇😇😇😇😇 



I think you've hit your head a few too many times with that mallet. Seems to have scrambled your brain. 

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Now that the Democrats control both the House and Senate along with the Presidency let's see what they do to this country.


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14 hours ago, golfer06 said:

the actual answer is the senate election could decide whether we have health insurance, a living wage, decent relations with the rest of the world, clean air & water, the right to control our own bodies, better infrastructure, the right to true religious freedom, actual criminal justice reform, help for small businesses, help for schools, and actually dealing with the covid crisis.

And a partridge in a pear tree.:tongue:

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I think tonight USA shows why the rest of the world doesn’t take serious what’s happening there . It used to be a powerful country once but all references now it is for completely wrong reasons . If this is called the greatest nation and democracy , I am sorry , but I don’t know if they could give the worst of examples what democracy is with the current situation today . Good luck to all the good people there that politics is just a word and not what should define , values , principles , moral issues , things we just learn to appreciate and respect in our social environment .

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2 hours ago, O_U812 said:

Hey look Ridgerunner.....Antifa & BLM are wearing MAGA hats and waving Trump flags.  What a great disguise.  🙄

You could be right. Wouldn't surprise me. That would be a great "Sol Alinsky" type tactic to undermine the credibility of an opponent. They need to do an in depth back ground to find out exactly who the ignorant idiots were that broke into the Capitol Building.

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