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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

I'm very happy and proud to live in any land that is opposite your land of insanity, hatred and lies.

you already live there. it's called fantasyland.

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21 hours ago, van the man said:

Young YOU have no idea of politics and history. It was the USA with this little asshole of Little Bush who attacked the sovereign state of the IRAQ against the UN in an illegal war for no reason.

I didn't say Biden started any wars. I said he voted in favour of every war the US were involved in. I know very well the whole history. In my eyes the most evil man on this planet set fire to the Middle East namely Tony Blair. My desire is to live long enough to hear that he is DEAD. Him and his sidekick Alistair Campbell (the liar in chief) invented the weapons of mass destruction story and lied and lied to the UK Parliament continually. Blair was grandstanding because he loves to be considered a 'world leader'.  I hope both suffer a very painful death sooner than later. 

The US will always do what is best for the US. Perhaps Biden could use a slogan ..... America First!!! I think it might catch on!!!! The US loves to build a Coalition in the event of war. 'The Allies' always sounds better than 'The US invades'!!! That's why getting UK support for war is always crucial to the US. Of course Blair happily obliged.

All NATO countries agreed to spend 2% of GDP on the military. Only the UK and US have honoured that pledge. Germany should spend more on the military. The EU should spend more. Why should the US subsidise the EU who then reward the US by kissing the ass of Putin to ensure the flow of energy from Russia to Germany? The EU are then happy to do trade deals with China despite the clear evidence of human rights being trampled all over in Hong Kong and against the Uighur Muslims to mention only two!

Angela Merkel unilaterally chose to take in a million refugees. Angela or is that 'Angel' loves to play the moral guardian of the West. No doubt she will get her rewards from the EU by being 'democratically' elected to the highest position in the EU after she quits in Germany.

As for 99% of refugees wanting to go the Germany I would suggest that huge numbers would love to enter the UK but thankfully as we are no longer a member of the EU the UK cannot be 'told' to take their quota!!!! Simply accepting that millions of people wish to leave the Middle East is not the best way to help those countries or their people. The UK provided Billions to help rebuild Iraq and the Middle East in general. Helping these people to prosper in their own country is the best solution. Germany is not helping but is instead fanning the flames towards widespread dissent against refugees most of whom are simply economic migrants. France seem very happy to wave refugees through their country so they can find their way across to the UK!!! Oh thank God for the English Channel. Once again to the rescue!!!! The EU will continue to bribe Turkey to keep as many migrants away from the EU!!!! Oh how kind and wonderful the EU is! Perhaps they too could use a slogan.... 'EU First'.... I think a theme is developing here!!!!!!

Biden will be a disaster for the West. His 'leadership' will be exactly the same as Obama.... say nice things, be diplomatic, don't upset anyone, smile and maybe like Obama sing a little and sway a little but don't actually DO anything. Politicians speak to Politicians using Diplomatic language. Trump upset them all because he was inarticulate and extremely undiplomatic. That's why they all united against him. Now with Biden in place they can all get together and have polite diplomatic dinners and functions and pretend to care about the plebs whose vote they have to gain by lying about how they are going to put the 'People First'!!!!!!

Sorry, viele Worte keine konkrete richtige Information.

1. Die usa und klein England sind militante Raubstaaten in der Geschichte.

2. England ist ohne die EU oder die Hilfe durch die USA alleine nicht lebensfähig. 51. Bundesstaat der USA ?

3. England ist durch seine mißglückte Kolonialpolitik verantwortlich für Konflikte im nahen Osten durch willkürlich gezogene Grenzen.

4. Die kriminelle USA alleine ist verantwortlich für Millionen von Flüchtlingen aus Syrien, Irak und Afghanistan.

5. Die kriminelle USA übernimmt keine Verantwortung für die Flüchtlinge und überlässt diese der EU und Deutschland.

6. Damit ist die kriminelle USA ein unsozialer und inhumaner Schurkenstaat - mit Leugnung von eigenen Klima-Verbrechern.

7. 2% vom BIP für Rüstung ist ein Witz. Kosten für Folgeschäden durch die USA-Aggression im Irak gehören dazu. Deutschland bezahlt          für die US-inititierten Flüchtlinge als humaner Staat viele Mrd. Euros, die sich die verantwortungslose USA spart. Jeder Euro kann            nur 1 mal ausgegeben werden. Deshalb können wir keine miesen US-Waffen mehr kaufen.

8. Eine Lüge. 99% der Flüchtlinge wollen nach Deutschland und hier bleiben. In das stinkende mittelalterliche England will keiner.

9. Die Gasleitung Nordstream 2 durch die Ostsee, vorbei an Polen und der Ukraine, ist gut für Europa und Deutschland. Das bedeutet          keine Abhängigkeit von Russland, einem europäischen Staat. Die USA wollen doch nur ihr umweltschädlich gewonnenes teures               Fracking-Gas nach Europa verkaufen. Das können sie sich in den Arsch blasen - und anzünden. Halleluja. 😁 😁

10. Ich habe kein Wort von Dir gelesen wie Du mit den US-erzeugten Flüchtlingen umgehen willst. Die Menschen sind nun einmal da.            Willst Du die wie die Idioten von der PISS-Partei in Polen oder dem Dummkopf aus Ungarn sterben lassen ? Das ist unmenschlich            und pervers. Bist Du wirklich so ein Arschloch ??? 😒😒😁

7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

How are you doing with your Chinese language classes? Republican Party in ruins? You amaze me with your ignorance and stupidity. 

who cares if you speak english when no truth exits your mouth.

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

It seems Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats in Congress are upset with the Capitol police because they didn't shoot enough White people on Jan.6. 


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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

According to an NBC poll taken yesterday President Trump has an 87% approval rating among Republicans. Not good news for the 10 Republicans who voted for impeachment in the House nor for any Republican who votes to convict Trump in the Senate. 😉

but 34% overall.

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

8000 person caravan now on it's way to our southern border from Central America thanks to Joe Biden's promise to open the border to immigrants. Thanks, Joe.:dodgy:


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19 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Since the military has taken over the U.S. Capitol I wonder if Biden will be wearing a military uniform when he is sworn into office on Wednesday?:angel: 

Bist Du wirklich so ein Arschloch oder tust Du nur so ?? Es waren doch Deine kriminellen Verbrecher im Geiste, die das Capitol gestürmt und mit Scheisse ruiniert haben - vielleicht warst DU ja selbst dabei. Dein geisteskranker Führer hat sich inzwischen bereits nach Florida in das Exil abgesetzt. Das FBI findet den Verbrecher überall.

Damit Verbrecher wie Du und Deine Genossen die Zeremonie der Vereidigung nicht stören ist die Nationalgarde da, und das ist gut so.

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Even with Trump gone you will still be afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I think you are beyond cure.

checking the mirror again i see.

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Mitch Mcconnell says that mob was feed lies and provoked by Trump. 

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7 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

With Trump leaving office the executives at CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times are most likely in panic. Their coverage of Trump is the only reason Trump haters have watched their tv programs and read their newspapers. Now that Trump is gone the Trump haters will have no reason to view those media sources anymore.

now they can cover his trials.

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6 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

Since Democrat Rep. Steve Cohen doesn't trust the U.S. National Guard to protect Joe Biden maybe the Democrats could get the Chinese army to keep "Sleepy Joe" secure from the American people.:tongue:  

of course they'll be right over.

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