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US General Domestic Politics #2 Begins 01/14/21.

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

Get your head out of your a___ and read something other than rawstory and believing your other self golfer6. 

Anti-Facist Inauguration Events: Portland, Seattle, Denver | Heavy.com

it's nice to see that someone is trying to get info from somewhere other that dear leader's ass for a change. as i said a lot of people are unhappy but trump would only continue to make things worse.

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President Joe Biden is moving at a sprint, and while his list of top, Day One priorities did not include reproductive freedom, he’s not ignoring that issue, either. Dr. Anthony Fauci’s prepared remarks to the World...


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Nach viel Spaß nun wieder ernst.

Joe Biden ist nicht der Super-Held, doch er hat lange Tradition im Senat und im Repräsentantenhaus. Obama und trump nicht. Biden ist mit seiner Erfahrung und Weisheit der Mann, der die gespaltene US-Nation versöhnen und vor tödlichen Bürgerkrieg schützen kann. Ich wünsche ihm viel Glück bei dieser schweren Mission.

Trump war nie Politiker sondern nur geil auf Macht - wir werden ihn wiedersehen, keine Frage - vor Gericht, als Betrüger, russischen Spitzel, "Vergewaltiger ?", Steuer-Krimineller  und und und - und seine junge Frau auch, die ohne Recht Millionen $ kassiert hat.

Die USA hat nun eine neue Chance in der Welt Reputation zu bekommen. Joe und Kamala - haben eine Chance verdient - die USA zu retten🙂

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1 hour ago, golfer06 said:

i'm so glad that you don't need any help. what's your secret?

My secret is simple, all you have to do is blood, sweat and tears afterwards invest your money 💰 and you can be financially successful like me, but demon 😈 crats are lazy, smoke crack & weed & just want to live off the American taxpayer's welfare 

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5 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

My secret is simple, all you have to do is blood, sweat and tears afterwards invest your money 💰 and you can be financially successful like me, but demon 😈 crats are lazy, smoke crack & weed & just want to live off the American taxpayer's welfare 

Dumme Reden von einem Schwachkopf - heute ohne Bilder. Gehe in Deine Höhle und weine.

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4 hours ago, SPYING 1 said:

You're just lucky that there wasn't a planned parenthood abortion clinic in your town or else you wouldn't be here post your comments 😉 

RR multiple personality disorder flaring up, is it?

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1 hour ago, SPYING 1 said:

My secret is simple, all you have to do is blood, sweat and tears afterwards invest your money 💰 and you can be financially successful like me, but demon 😈 crats are lazy, smoke crack & weed & just want to live off the American taxpayer's welfare 

Riiiiiight.....That's why DEEP RED Kentucky is the poorest state in the union, followed by deeper red Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Virginia, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and South Carolina.

Try again Mr. Misinformation.

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