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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 14

pulo filipe

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6 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Some valid points I agree with Scutus, but with respect to yourself I would point out that those shoes you advised Juggs to wear for a while were bought and paid for by Leora, who is intelligent enough to know how they might fit.

As others have pointed out, she made her choices, we certainly didn't make them for her and we all have different opinions about the reasons why she chose to leave Paul after many years and settle in another country, which is her business and nobody else's. No one forced her to do it just as no one forces her to do the job she does...all her personal choice... She is no more a victim than any of us are.

Had we not have known her Curriculum Vitae we would not have known just how versatile she was and would therefore have been possibly satisfied to an extent with what she offered.

Yes she is a sensitive person and very pleasant to look at, but you and others cannot blame the audience who pay for this new lifestyle she has chosen for showing dissatisfaction if they believe she is underperforming.

There will always be those who idolise her just as there will also be those who just wish to troll her....then there will be those in the middle who respond to the vibes she emits, nothing wrong with that, they are after all paying towards her chosen lifestyle.

What you may think is acceptable for your dollar may not be what some others may accept, and yes they have the choice to either watch and continue paying, or to cease their membership,but all the time they are paying they have the right to respectfully critique her if they think it necessary.

At the end of the day we all have choices in life, Leora made hers, whether for money, to escape Russia, to leave Paul or just for a better life from her perspective....Her choice!!

Look around your military cemeteries and remember your first amendment, just as I look at the UK's military cemeteries and our Magna Carta of 1215 .....Good men have fought and died and are still doing so, for you to have the freedom to voice your opinion, as well as others who don't agree with you to voice theirs .

Stay well !


Of course there are always some individuals like Pepe who like to take advantage of those military peoples sacrifice to air his points of view and insult and critique others with a different opinion to himself ( But not different to his real opinion, which may surprise some people including Leora)

But brave keyboard warriors like himself didn't have the guts to put their life on the line for their country, but would demand the benefits others that did had secured for him.


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5 hours ago, scutus said:

Let's consider a couple of things. First thing that is required is that you put on her shoes, and walk a similar path that she has walked. The last seven years. When was the last time that you had to move out of your home Jugg, due to no fault of your own. Have you had a employer who was providing you housing, close its doors and move out of the country. I doubt it ! Has everything in your life stayed exactly the same it was seven years ago. 

Having moved once in her home city. Then due to no fault of their own. She, and Paul were abruptly un employed. Before anyone starts saying that they got a big compensation from RLC, I dare say no one in this forum has seen their last contract that was offered them in Krasnoyarsk. 

Evidently RLC made her a generous enough offer for her to make the move to Prague. A totally different environment than Krasnoyarsk. With a cultural background second to very few cities. Which offered her a whole new world to see. Plus a need to learn another language. I, know that it is not that hard, That is why everyone in this forum speaks Russian. Now add Czechia's.

 If you will take time to consider her activities in the apartment while she was by herself. She was much more, shall we say, much more productive toward our interests. I am sure it was RLC who made the suggestion that she should have another person living in the apartment with her. I do not think that would have happened, if Malia chose not to be part of the RLC project. It would not have happened if the second person would have been a total stranger.

With the addition, there was no way that Leora, and Malia, would not be compared to the GOV apartments. That by itself forced her to make a personal change in her lifestyle. Are you still walking in her shoes ??

Then we have the totally unpredicted event. That has, I am willing to bet, affected everyone's life. Directly, or indirectly, and confined people in their own houses. Tell me honestly, that the COVID has not changed your normal lifestyle prior to its arrival, and ongoing scourge. 

Of course, that does not affect Leora, as she is not a sensitive person!! HaH!! 

Leora is the "same" person we met in 2013. Her personality has changed as everyone's does as they age seven years. Sometimes the roses, are not as red, as they are at others. Are we all so old, that we do not remember the transitions of ideas, the change of the priorities, of importance. That we made in our twenties?

Now while you are looking in the mirror, reflecting on some of what I have mentioned. Keep in mind, that you have cameras watching your every move, moods, habits,, diet, etc. 

With a horde of pervs, critiquing you every action. 

Personally, I think that she has, and is, doing what is necessary for her, to maintain a sensual, lovely to look at personage. That is acceptable to her, in her own mind.

Let’s say I agree with many of your points . One question that no one is answered is the following ... You have the man you like and love ( as people say here ) , a dog that is so precious to you and we all know how close we can be with our pets and treat them sometimes better than our children , you have developed business out of the sight in case RLC is over one day , in general , you have a quiet , peaceful and happy life .... why so easily and within a month’s ( perhaps less ) period you decide to destroy all ? You leave behind a “ supposedly “ perfect life for what ? To be naked in front of cameras , masturbate and tease the men’s world ? Seriously ? You abandon a life that keeps you and has you happy because your employer asked you to ? And you don’t take time to think about it and within one month you pack and move  to another culture and civilization ? I could understand perhaps if she was moving to Moscow and figure out a way to transmit from there with RLC .. but Prague ? Under which background ? Why then not Barcelona where she could have also the “ help “‘of other fellow Russians and also Barcelona being more glamorous ? Anyway , my point is that you expect from a person that grows up to think wiser and better .. apart from the money that she has gained , all the rest of her world is demolished in my opinion . Check her body , her sleeping schedule , her eating schedule , has it worth it ? 

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Je suis désolé de poser toute ses questions et que personne ne puisse me répondre je vais m'abstenir maintenant c’est vrais que sa me regarde pas se quelle fait et avec qui elle parle ???. je me contenterais à lire seulement vous avez surement mare de me lire je vous souhaite de passer une bonne journée

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