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US General Domestic Politics #7 Begins 03/07/21.

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Pffftttt.  Trump will die way before Biden.  He looks like total shit.


A photo posted online of a slack-jawed Donald Trump, whose hand appears to be being held by daughter-in-law Lara Trump, had Twitter all abuzz on Saturday night as commenters wondered if he might be in...


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So, it's no different than when he was in office.


According to a report from Politico, Donald Trump's grand ambitions for his post-presidency are floundering during his "exile" to his Mar-a-Lago resort.The former president was expected to...


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12 hours ago, golfer06 said:

i believe that he'll last long enough to see the ex traitor in chief in prison. and if he doesn't for some reason she'll do a great job. she has a lot more balls than the ex veep that still stands by agent orange even after having his life endangered. this country could not have survived another 4 years of those assholes.

Do you really believe the ex traitor in chief, Obama, will actually end up in prison?:biggrin:

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May be an image of animal

A peasant used to say to his children when they were young: —When you all reach the age of 12 I will tell you the secret of life. One day when the oldest turned 12, he anxiously asked his father what was the secret of life. The father replied that he was going to tell him, but that he should not reveal it to his brothers.
—The secret of life is this: The cow does not give milk. "What are you saying?" Asked the boy incredulously. —As you hear it, son: The cow does not give milk, you have to milk it. You have to get up at 4 in the morning, go to the field, walk through the corral full of manure, tie the tail, hobble the legs of the cow, sit on the stool, place the bucket and do the work your self.
That is the secret of life, the cow does not give milk. You milk her or you don't get milk. There is this generation that thinks that cows GIVE milk. That things are automatic and free: their mentality is that if " I wish, I ask..... I obtain."
" They have been accustomed to get what ever they want the easy way...But No, life is not a matter of wishing, asking and obtaining. The things that one receives are the effort of what one does. Happiness is the result of effort. Lack of effort creates frustration.
So, remember to share with your children, from a young age, the secret of life. So they don't grow up with the mentality that the government, their parents, or their cute little faces is going to give them everything they need in life.
Remember 👇👇
"Cows don't give milk. You have to work for it"
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