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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #49 (May)

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1 minute ago, maxfactor said:

I can see Megan's legs at the pool from the window at the bottom of the stairs from the front door...at the same time I see Bogdan tying his shoes to go out.  So Bogdan dis see her there for sure.

ok didnt see if he was there, just looked outside.

She was only topless.

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4 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Who should know, knows what happened ... but as always, the information is not shared 😉

Not me, i would be interested to know what caused this as its not just a 5 min sulk, its been going on weeks now and no sign they want to talk.

The Holly calling Meg to come down and shift something from her bit of the fridge ( thats what it looked like) was childlike and to me that was Holly trying to look big to Masha.

Meg just swallowed it and did it.

So if its kept up for 7 more days and Masha does fuck off back will that leave Holly friendless or crawl back to Meg?

Or Viv comes into play?

Now restrictions are being lifted they will be out more so that might be best for both of them

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3 minutes ago, mspanker said:

Non io, sarei interessato a sapere cosa ha causato questo dato che non è solo un broncio di 5 minuti, è in corso da settimane ormai e nessun segno che vogliano parlare.

L'agrifoglio che chiamava Meg per venire giù e spostare qualcosa dal suo pezzo di frigo (questo è quello che sembrava) era infantile e per me quello era Holly che cercava di sembrare grande a Masha.

Meg lo ha appena ingoiato e l'ha fatto.

Quindi, se viene tenuto in piedi per altri 7 giorni e Masha se la caverà, questo lascerà Holly senza amici o tornerà strisciando da Meg?

Oppure entra in gioco Viv?

Ora che le restrizioni vengono rimosse, lo saranno di più, quindi potrebbe essere la cosa migliore per entrambi

Ora che le restrizioni sono state allentate, e’ ora che salgano sull’aereo che le porta a casa, cominciando da Megan

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2 minutes ago, Mauri said:

Now that the restrictions have been loosened, it's time for them to board the plane that takes them home, starting with Megan

Hopefully with the new arrivals i the other places then that might happen, although i would prefer B and N to go first  and Masha🛩️ and that might allow some fun to start, besides , i haven't finished my cook with Meg classes yet 😉

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2 minutes ago, HappyChappie said:

This time last year it had three floaters in it. 🙂 

wasn't a subscriber then, first time i have seen it used was the other day.

I dread to think what that means 🤢

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