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B4 Girls On Vacation - General Topic 2021 #49 (May)

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Holly starts up her new overlock machine
thick instruction manual
it is quite difficult, many people have failed and need professional advice🙇‍♀️🤦‍♀️
whether she can do it?

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1 hour ago, Mauri said:

Teoricamente Alessandro e la fidanzata .... 

she spoke to Dina two weeks ago,
then it apparently worked? Guests probably needs a hotel room ??
I don't think they'll get a bed in the villa for the night
Masha will show them Barcelona, we won't see much of her 🤷‍♂️

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6 minutes ago, rado07 said:

ha parlato con Dina due settimane fa,
quindi a quanto pare ha funzionato? Gli ospiti probabilmente hanno bisogno di una camera d'albergo ??
Non credo che avranno un letto nella villa per la notte in cui
Masha mostrerà loro il Barcellona, non la vedremo molto 🤷‍♂️

Sapevo che dovevavo venire domani perche’ ne aveva parlato alessandro a Babi, questa mattina Masha mandava dei messaggi vocali, non so’ con chi, ma ho sentito solo “ e’ tutto ok per quando arrivi”

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Masha was just talking to Vivian about Sasha and Dasha at the kitchen table
(I didn't hear the beginning of the speech though) 🤔

probably it was about how Masha got her RLC name

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il y a 9 minutes, SierraTM a dit :

J'ai dû manquer un commentaire ou deux sur cette machine à coudre en B4.

Quelqu'un sait qui l'a acheté? Certainement pas RLC 😏

c ' est du matériel  en location

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4 hours ago, neil_r549 said:

Missed the Vivbate last night which is a shame but hopefully more to come 🙂

Have to say losing interest in the Holly/Megan/Masha saga. Meg is quite happy, Holly pensive as usual and Masha is not that interesting for me. Be more interesting when she returns to Roma. ✈️

I think both Holly and Megan would have liked to go , I have said since a long time that they both have lost interest and seem tired  . I could also say that Gina’s new apartment and the arrival of Vivian might have given one last motivation for Megan to be kept busy and Masha’s presence ( obviously lots of bla bla bla as Masha is used to ) , kind of mentoring and advising Holly as Masha being her big sister through the extreme much time spending together , might have given Holly one last motivation as well . 

We can all for sure admit that Masha’s appearance created lots of unexplained situations and a complete change of habits and lifestyle in B4 , especially around 10 days after that her extended stay was confirmed . The time might give us the answers of what has really happened , conclusions unfortunately can be made long after the original incidents period due to the lack of Russian speaking knowledge . 

The biggest and unanswered question remains , why Nelly has been so much against Masha’s arrival in Barcelona , long time and half years of their age friends , two women who have shared so much , two women that whenever they met you could tell how happy they were doing things together and catching up with their personal lives , behaving like two complete strangers and not wanting to have anything to do with one another .. very strange 

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1 hour ago, SierraTM said:

I must have missed a comment or two about that sewing machine in B4.

Anyone knows who bought it? Certainly not RLC 😏

It was a package from Amazon that was delivered on Tuesday lunchtime
I think it was personal for Holly. she also happily unpacked it

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il y a 25 minutes, rado07 a dit :

It was a package from Amazon that was delivered on Tuesday lunchtime
I think it was personal for Holly. she also happily unpacked it

Oh i see, interesting.

Thanks for the info!

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