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US General Domestic Politics #21 Begins 06/18/21.

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7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

What you don't understand, little Russian fool, is that I supported Trump not because I agreed with his political and economic philosophy, but because he agreed with my political and economic philosophy. If some other politician comes along who believes in what I believe in and shows he has to the courage to take on the Washington, D.C. establishment as Trump did I will support that candidate. Trump is not my leader, he is my vehicle to implement policies for America that I believe in.

so that means that you believe in paying legislators & executives to do nothing to help you while taking your money, lying to you about everything all of the time, destroying the water, air, climate, & violent insurrections when things don't go your way. you're even worse than i thought.

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7 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

when you return to reality. that's probably a bad choice of wording since you would have had to have at least visited reality in order to return to it.

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Fantasy is your description of the Obama/Biden presidency.

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14 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

so that means that you believe in paying legislators & executives to do nothing to help you while taking your money, lying to you about everything all of the time, destroying the water, air, climate, & violent insurrections when things don't go your way. you're even worse than i thought.

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No, that means I believe in individual freedom and a prosperous economy for all citizens with limited government involvement in people's lives. Something a government loving Marxist like you wouldn't understand.

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2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

No, that means I believe in individual freedom and a prosperous economy for all citizens with limited government involvement in people's lives.

yet you support a wannabe fascist liar responsible for many deaths & almost ruining the country.

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Just now, golfer06 said:

for the 1,002nd time your projections aren't working. fantasyland is your hangout with your fellow cult believers.

And for the 2 millionth time you just repeated the same bullshit you have been spouting since day one on this thread. Your comments are repetitive and boring.

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3 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

And for the 2 millionth time you just repeated the same bullshit you have been spouting since day one on this thread. Your comments are repetitive and boring.

in response to your constant lying, fantasy, & bullshit. you are living in an alternate universe where up is down, black is white, good is bad, lies are truth. in other words fantasyland! and no matter how many times you repeat the same lies & bullshit they are & will always remain lies & bullshit & i will continue to call them what they are, LIES & BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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2 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

Ever wondered how far the GQP will push the limits of anti-science? Look no further than my home state of Tennessee. Straight from the files of “you can’t make this up,” some Republican lawmakers were so...


But you don't live in Tennessee, you live in Moscow.

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