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Masha - Home activities #17


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2 hours ago, EMMETT111 said:

the scary part is they dont know any better its a cult,no matter the facts they dont believe their own eyes and hear with their own ears and will call it fake news and wont believe anyone who does not say exactly what trump says that is the exact definition of a cult look it up

The same can be said for left wing Democrats, Emmett.  Possibly more so.  I live in a very left wing city in a predominately democrat state.  It can get real out of hand over here.  People are so religious about their ideology that they will absolutely ignore real serious problems (homelessness, crime, trash all over the roadways, super high taxes, spiraling out of control cost of living, etc.) just so they don't have to admit: Hey, maybe our ideas aren't working, maybe we should try the other side's suggestions for once.

People have become so attached to their politics that it has actually broken our society and we can't even solve the most basic of problems.  It's like that movie idiocracy.

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