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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Unfug, weder Demokraten noch Republikaner haben erwarten können das über 20 Jahre lang ausgebildete afghanische Soldaten sich als feige Hunde erweisen und sich kampflos ergeben und den Taliban große Mengen von voll funktionstüchtiges Material überlassen. Damit konnte kein Mensch rechnen. Asyl für afghanische Soldaten-Feiglinge ? Nein Danke. Ab in den Tod.


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Die Aussage von Präsident Biden ist völlig richtig: "US-Soldaten sollen nicht sterben, wenn afghanische Soldaten nicht bereit sind für ihre Freiheit zu kämpfen". Man kann feige Hunde nicht zum jagen tragen. Irgendwann müssen Babys laufen lernen. 20 Jahre Karenz sind mehr als genug !!

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2 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

President Biden's statement is absolutely correct: "US soldiers should not die if Afghan soldiers are unwilling to fight for their freedom". You can't wear cowardly dogs to hunt. At some point babies have to learn to walk. 20 years of parental leave are more than enough !!

      And your an ignorant indoctrinated communist as has been mentioned on more than one occasion in more than one thread here in the past. Truth be known communist, is Afhgans have lost 10's of 1000's of fighters in their efforts to keep radicalized fanatics from allowing to be in control of their country in any way. Now go along a spew your lines of communistic horseshit all you want to being it does not stand up to either truth or facts. But, all you propagandists are alike in that way, full of hot air and bullshit. It's why you propagandists think you have better chances of you sticking or culminating together, but everyone is not as ignorant from being indoctrinated to some worthless ideology as you apparently have been rather than being actually educated with truth or facts that would lead to possessing some sense of common sense, and it is only the norm for communist propagandists like you. 

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1 hour ago, StarLight28 said:

Die Aussage von Präsident Biden ist völlig richtig: "US-Soldaten sollen nicht sterben, wenn afghanische Soldaten nicht bereit sind für ihre Freiheit zu kämpfen". Man kann feige Hunde nicht zum jagen tragen. Irgendwann müssen Babys laufen lernen. 20 Jahre Karenz sind mehr als genug !!

I don't think Americans should have warriors stationed in Germany, either.  It's perfectly capable of defending itself from the aggressive newly reborn Bolshevik Russia, which now is your primary source of energy.

I do have a problem with people who enjoy democide, and that is what will happen in Afghanistan now. I'll assume you know what democide is.

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1 hour ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I don't think Americans should have warriors stationed in Germany, either.  It's perfectly capable of defending itself from the aggressive newly reborn Bolshevik Russia, which now is your primary source of energy.

I do have a problem with people who enjoy democide, and that is what will happen in Afghanistan now. I'll assume you know what democide is.

       He only knows what he has been indoctrinated in Foamy. He is an ignorant assed communist who should not be allowed to even have a voice here if you want to know the truth Foamy. He has talked so much shit in regards to what is common sense Western civilization ways of fair and rightful ways of living and he has flat out lied in regards to historical events and occasions in the past, he shouldn't even be allowed to spew his communistic bullshit here if you want to know the truth. But like all propagandists, they always seem to have a kindred spirit with one another and try to flock together whenever and wherever they can. A perfect example of such is the latest deflections and excuses of how such an incompetently ignorant and utter failure of so called foreign policy decisions was obviously made just like the intentional violation of oath of oath of office decisions regarding the U.S.'s southern border.

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The problem with how the US wars now days is simple:

The US Congress. They refuse to have the courage to make a full and official Declaration of War. 

We have not had that done by a Congress since Dec. 8, 1941. They did not cut the purse strings on that one.

That was followed by the COMPLETE annihilation of both the leadership of the German National Socialist Workers Party and the Imperial Japanese governments, as well as the ability for their people to resist. That is the only method of war that works. It's no wonder that so many Germans here HATE the US. I suppose the western Germans want to do business with the Russians; the Eastern Germans who have escaped here do not agree that it's a good deal.

The Taliban should have been destroyed along with the corrupt jack-ass Afghanistan leaders.

And a President who helps to fulfill Xi's dream of world domination should not have been elected.



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On 8/18/2021 at 2:47 PM, Ridgerunner said:

No, actually I still have a full head of hair.  Too bad you don't yet have any pubic hair, little snowflake😏

The above was a response to OU_812

On 8/18/2021 at 3:39 PM, golfer06 said:

been peeping through children's bedroom windows again?

Following the entire conversation, then you, golfer06, are saying that OU_812 is a child.

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14 hours ago, O_U812 said:

You quoted that bullshit?  You're a fucking liar and a hack.

And you cannot seem to get your comments right and your facts straight.

His quote wasn't exactly correct--but here is the quote that basically says fuck the obligations to the Afghans including the girls


President Biden's "The Buck Stops Here...But Let Me Blame Everyone Else First" speech on the fall of Afghanistan was a pack of lies. Here's proof.

According to Holbrooke’s diary, when he asked about American obligations to Afghans like the girl in the Kabul school, Biden replied with a history lesson from the final U.S. withdrawal from Southeast Asia in 1973: “Fuck that, we don’t have to worry about that. 

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1 hour ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Incorrect. It was conditional. You're talking about the guy how beat the shit out of your ISIS buddies. America first.

Last I saw, fat Greg Pompeo was meeting with the Taliban leaders on behalf of your orange fuck wad.


The real date that the Taliban’s victory was assured is Feb. 29, 2020, the day the Trump administration signed what it characterized as a “peace” deal with the Taliban.


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3 hours ago, StarLight28 said:

Lege Beweise dafür vor- im Moment sind das nur Behauptungen von Dir ohne Beweis. Dein Handeln und Deine Aussagen hier im Forum sagen das Gegenteil. Ein Mensch mit solchen Doktrin kann kein ehrenhafter US-Soldat sein. 😁

Sorry, but I can't understand any of your rantings. Thank God!

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