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US General Domestic Politics #29 Begins 08/13/21.

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

With the way the liberals have taken over public education, Republicans have long proposed a voucher system to allow parents where to have their children educated, to include private school.  Of course that is strongly opposed by Democrats because they would lose their ability to indoctrinate those public school children.  But maybe one of the biggest reason is that the Teacher's Union would lose some of it's hold and political influence.

Oh, here we go with the "indoctrination" bullshit.  I was taught ACTUAL history, ACTUAL civics, that 2 + 2 = 4.  Indoctrination is just an excuse to privatize another institution.  Hogwash.

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2 hours ago, golfer06 said:

Legendary actor and civil rights activist George Takei is tired of the unvaccinated taking up hospital space as the coronavirus pandemic spreads among the unvaccinated.Takei's statements came as...


I wonder, does that include the all the Blacks who are unvaccinated?:dodgy:

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21 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

She and her daddy are two of the primary culprits responsible for us getting involved in the Afghanistan quagmire.  Her Wyoming primary election can't come soon enough to suit me. Time for Republicans in Wyoming to kick her sorry ass out of Congress.

isn't it amazing that you point blame (much of it deserved in this case) at republicans that didn't bow down to donny traitor. and the question is whether he has blame to share or whether he did such a great job (i'm sure that it was perfect. you've never seen anything like it). in your view he couldn't possibly do anything wrong.

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1 hour ago, happyone said:

So primarily we have 2 Republicans that fit this expose DeSantis and Abbott, but the article refers to Republicans (inferring all Republicans).

And Cruz is obviously not being consistent. However, a Covid death is not a natural death and can be mitigated by getting vaccinated. 

I am unequivocally pro-life, I believe that every life is a precious gift from God that needs to be protected from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death.”

GQP are only pro-life for votes.  They give not even one fuck after you exit the womb.  They don't give two shits if women get abortions either.  I would love to know how many QTrumplican's have financed at least 1 abortion.

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25 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Again, you don't even know what gaslighting means. Just a term you toss around with no connection to reality.

that's easy. gaslighting is exactly what you do all of the time. reality is exactly the opposite of everything that you believe & post.

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6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

The problem with most teachers is that the only thing they know about is school. They go to grade school, middle school, high school and then college to become teachers. So they have very little real life experience.


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21 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

And Dan Rather, "Danny Blather", is such a credible ethical person. :biggrin:

and (fill in the blank with anyone's name that doesn't agree with donny traitor) is a liar, isn't credible, etc. is your standard answer for anything that violates your read 3 words max creed. you are an idiot know nothing moron.

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