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US General Domestic Politics #30 Begins 08/21/21.

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1 minute ago, StnCld316 said:

Trudeau give away free stuff that would be a laugh. 

Giving away free stuff is the least of our problems with idiots like this "Minister of Gender Equity"   WTF she's  ...golfer's hero.


Canada's minister of women and gender equality says her mention of the Taliban as 'our brothers' during a press conference Wednesday is a 'cultural reference,' after receiving criticism for her choice of language.


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4 hours ago, happyone said:



On Tuesday, the House passed the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, or H.R. 4. Now, it is headed to the Senate. The bill turns our elections inside out.


And the Republican leadership in Washington, D.C. is too fucking stupid to tell the American people exactly what is in the bill. That's why Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer make them look so impotent.:sad:

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6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Yeah, I want us all out. That includes American civilians and our Afghan allies that the Taliban will kill if we leave them there. We should tell the Taliban we will leave when all those people have been evacuated and not until they have all been evacuated.  Afghanistan is the country of the Afghan people not the Taliban. Take away the Taliban's weapons and they would have almost no support from the Afghan people.

Du bist ein träumender Vollidiot. Nehme den Taliban die Waffen weg. Alter Mann in welchem Kinderzimmer spielst Du mit Murmeln oder Bauklötzen. 20 Jahre lang hat die USA dies versucht und hat das nicht geschafft - und nun kommt Pfarrer Ridg und die Taliban legen die Waffen nieder? In welchem Traum lebst Du ?? Dein talentfreies Arschloch von Trump hat mit den Taliban verhandelt und das afghanische Volk verraten. Jetzt heule gerade Du Idiot nicht wenn Taliban Zivilisten töten die für die USA ihren Arsch riskiert haben. Elender Heuchler. 😁

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3 hours ago, golfer06 said:

the place is a mess & the taliban can't be trusted of course. biden is doing what has to be done. in a week we'll see where we stand. but let's get 1 thing clear. biden would have to tell more than 30.000 lies about afghanistan to match the former guy. if we were still stuck with him it would be a helluva lot worse.

You say the Taliban can't be trusted but then you say we should honor the Taliban deadline for evacuating Americans and allies from Afghanistan because it's their country even though the Taliban are not allowing evacuees to get to the airport.:huh:     So we should just leave on 8/31 and leave those people to the mercy of the Taliban?:dodgy:

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13 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

Trudeau give away free stuff that would be a laugh. 

Wenn Dir Kanada nicht mehr gefällt kannst Du doch auswandern. Die USA ist sicher keine Option für Dich. Suche weiter. Deutschland ist in aller Welt beliebt und nimmt Flüchtlinge ohne Ende auf. Deutschland, das Land in dem angeblich Milch und Honig fließt - doch wenn Flüchtlinge hier arbeiten sollen sind sie enttäuscht - und das Wetter, unter 30 °C, pfui Teufel.

Aber Du bist ja nicht so verwöhnt.


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6 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

If you don't like Canada anymore, you can emigrate. The USA is certainly not an option for you. Keep searching. Germany is popular all over the world and takes in refugees without end. Germany, the country where milk and honey supposedly flow - but if refugees are supposed to work here they are disappointed - and the weather, below 30 °C, pfui Teufel.

But you're not so spoiled.


The refugees their bringing to Canada it's going to be hard to find work for them when 30% of Canada's workforce hasn't returned to work yet because of this stupid fucking pandemic shit.

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