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I don't normally comment on the cam boards but I am going to for this. Animal abuse is unacceptable to me. If this continues to happen I will do everything in my power to make it well known to RLC customers and potential customers what is going on, and what they are supporting. There is no excuse for picking on a defenseless puppy.  I know you monitor this site RLC, be warned!

To all non-paid members if you witness any RLC couples abusing animals please record it and upload it, I will give you a free membership (to the first uploaded per incident). To current paid members I will extend your membership for one year.

  - Admin

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Guest toblerone

I don't normally comment on the cam boards but I am going to for this. Animal abuse is unacceptable to me. If this continues to happen I will do everything in my power to make it well known to RLC customers and potential customers what is going on, and what they are supporting. There is no excuse for picking on a defenseless puppy.  I know you monitor this site RLC, be warned!

To all non-paid members if you witness any RLC couples abusing animals please record it and upload it, I will give you a free membership (to the first uploaded per incident). To current paid members I will extend your membership for one year.

  - Admin

I have not witnessed any serious animal abuse so far and hope not to see any, at the moment only issue we have is with few people hysterical and disconnected with the reality of this show that follow these guys every second of their lives just to pick on them. However, being an owner of a cat myself I hate to see pets suffer and if I see anything I will report it.


It's interesting to see the difference in people's perspective of the word: "Beating". I didn't see the incident but it makes me wonder if the dog was "Beat" or just disciplined? "Beat" to me means abuse with much pain, bleeding, broken bones, or harm to health. Disciplining a dog with a whack with a rolled up news paper, or even "a shoe" to provide the necessary stimuli for training is hardly a "beating" if done with judgement and discretion. (Especially if you use the shoe he pissed in.) How else would you train a dog not to shit on the floor or piss in your shoes? Shock collar? Which is the most humane? OK, you arm chair animal behavior experts, how would you train a dog, scold him, ground him and send him to his room? Get a puppy and let me know how that works.

I too, detest abuse, but come on folks. Let's stay reasonable.


me parece una tonteria de discusion , no pensaba entrar  pero el mensaje anterior tiene toda la razon , estamos humanizando a los animales , animales merecen respeto , pero son animales , yo tengo perro un cocker spaniel , mi perro no come con nosotros no duerme con nosotros no me da besos no dejo que me chupe si hace algo mal le regaño y si hace falta un manotazo se lo doi , el sabe que esta en la base de la jerarquia el macho alfa soy yo , el lo sabe no se acerca a mi plato y si se le ocurre hacerlo recibe su castigo , ahora ya es mayor y se hace pipi y caca en el piso aveces , no recibe ningun castigo por eso , pero es por la edad el es ya un señor mayor y hay que dejar pasar esas pequeñas cosas , pero en su dia si habia que pegarle se le pegaba , pegar no es pegar con palo es dar un manotazo o un grito corto y rotundo , creo que la gente de ciudad esta humanizando a los animales , en el campo la cosa cambia e normal que un perro este atado todo el dia a una cadena , es normal matar un conejo de un golpe , es normal cortatrle el cuello a una gallina es normal que un gato este libre , los niños cuando yo era pequeño disparabamos con aire comprimido a los gatos a los perros , pajaros etc etc era nuestra diversión , buscábamos las perras que habían parido y les quitábamos los cachorros igual los gatos , cortábamos la cola a las lagartijas , cazabamos mariposas y las pinchabamos en un corcho etc etc etc ESO ERA NORMAL , era normal ir detras de los perros que follaban y segun me cuentas personas de mas edad que yo , era normal en los pueblos follarse una burra o una cabra la gente hacia esas cosas antiguamente . hoy en dia la cosa cambia ni lo de antes estaba bien ni lo de ahora tampoco , yo creo que en el termino medio esta la cosa bien . las personas son personas y los animales animales .

Guest Pirate

me parece una tonteria de discusion , no pensaba entrar  pero el mensaje anterior tiene toda la razon , estamos humanizando a los animales , animales merecen respeto , pero son animales , yo tengo perro un cocker spaniel , mi perro no come con nosotros no duerme con nosotros no me da besos no dejo que me chupe si hace algo mal le regaño y si hace falta un manotazo se lo doi , el sabe que esta en la base de la jerarquia el macho alfa soy yo , el lo sabe no se acerca a mi plato y si se le ocurre hacerlo recibe su castigo , ahora ya es mayor y se hace pipi y caca en el piso aveces , no recibe ningun castigo por eso , pero es por la edad el es ya un señor mayor y hay que dejar pasar esas pequeñas cosas , pero en su dia si habia que pegarle se le pegaba , pegar no es pegar con palo es dar un manotazo o un grito corto y rotundo , creo que la gente de ciudad esta humanizando a los animales , en el campo la cosa cambia e normal que un perro este atado todo el dia a una cadena , es normal matar un conejo de un golpe , es normal cortatrle el cuello a una gallina es normal que un gato este libre , los niños cuando yo era pequeño disparabamos con aire comprimido a los gatos a los perros , pajaros etc etc era nuestra diversión , buscábamos las perras que habían parido y les quitábamos los cachorros igual los gatos , cortábamos la cola a las lagartijas , cazabamos mariposas y las pinchabamos en un corcho etc etc etc ESO ERA NORMAL , era normal ir detras de los perros que follaban y segun me cuentas personas de mas edad que yo , era normal en los pueblos follarse una burra o una cabra la gente hacia esas cosas antiguamente . hoy en dia la cosa cambia ni lo de antes estaba bien ni lo de ahora tampoco , yo creo que en el termino medio esta la cosa bien . las personas son personas y los animales animales .

I know the translators don't always work that well, but did I read this right, for fun as a kid you used to shoot cats, dogs, birds etc with an air rifle? You took new born pups away from their mothers and it was also considered normal at sometime to fuck donkeys and goats?

If the translation is right, you are definitely the right person to be advising on how to treat animals and the handle darkman certainly fits.


todas esas cosas en los años 70/80 eran normales , por supuesto en la actualidad no me dedico a disparar a gatos y a perros , ni lo apruebo , en casa en estos momentos tenemos un perro , dos tortugas , cuatro peces , un cangrejo , gusanos de seda , y todos están perfectamente cuidados, limpios y alimentados . quizás usted es capaz de recoger un perro abandonado pero puede pasar por al lado de una persona durmiendo en un banco del parque y ni girarse a mirarlo , esa doble moral , dijo Jesucristo cuando le vinieron a decir que una mujer casada había sido infiel y querían matarla lapidando la ( quien este libre de culpa que tire la primera piedra ) . aqui en España hay detractores de las corridas de toros y hay gente que esta a favor . quizás usted come pollo , foie , carne de cerdo , huevos , todo eso viene de animales que se quedaría usted de piedra si viera en las condiciones que viven , para ser feliz lo que usted dice lo que piensa y lo que hace tienen que estar en armonía , si usted duerme con su perro y el come en su plato su misma comida si se ducha con usted si usted lo besa en la boca y deja que le chupe quizas sea usted tambien un poco hombre oscuro .


It's interesting to see the difference in people's perspective of the word: "Beating". I didn't see the incident but it makes me wonder if the dog was "Beat" or just disciplined? "Beat" to me means abuse with much pain, bleeding, broken bones, or harm to health. Disciplining a dog with a whack with a rolled up news paper, or even "a shoe" to provide the necessary stimuli for training is hardly a "beating" if done with judgement and discretion. (Especially if you use the shoe he pissed in.) How else would you train a dog not to shit on the floor or piss in your shoes? Shock collar? Which is the most humane? OK, you arm chair animal behavior experts, how would you train a dog, scold him, ground him and send him to his room? Get a puppy and let me know how that works.

I too, detest abuse, but come on folks. Let's stay reasonable.

I'm with you on this one. I'd love to see the actual incident, because I tend to think that it was disciplining, not beating. If it was true abuse, then I'm completely against it, but if it was a swift whack to his behind for pissing in a shoe, then I don't see anything inappropriate.

Same with kids, frankly. Some parents believe that talking to their kids and giving them time-outs is the way to teach them the difference between right and wrong. Others believe a firm spank on the ass is the way to go (again, spank, not beating). It's pretty apparent to me which parents have the better behaved children though.


There is a difference between beating, abuse, and disciplining and I understand people having a zero tolerance for hitting, (kids or animals) but I do see much more playing, affection, and verbal disciplining for this dog than hitting it. In the old days a pop on the butt when something was not ok was acceptable. Today not so much at least not with all the abuse reported on all forms of media. I see a happy playful animal not fearful of the owners so hopefully he will learn not to pee on their shoes and they can all have a happy life. My hope is these people begin to settle into their own lives and forget about the cameras and we all enjoy the privilege in sharing their private life and not try to micro manage their life.


rub my belly and I'll eat cat poop, Kleenex, your shoes , or the table again.. I enable my pet too with the same shame game. not good at capitol punishment either.  ;) 


It's interesting to see the difference in people's perspective of the word: "Beating". I didn't see the incident but it makes me wonder if the dog was "Beat" or just disciplined? "Beat" to me means abuse with much pain, bleeding, broken bones, or harm to health. Disciplining a dog with a whack with a rolled up news paper, or even "a shoe" to provide the necessary stimuli for training is hardly a "beating" if done with judgement and discretion. (Especially if you use the shoe he pissed in.) How else would you train a dog not to shit on the floor or piss in your shoes? Shock collar? Which is the most humane? OK, you arm chair animal behavior experts, how would you train a dog, scold him, ground him and send him to his room? Get a puppy and let me know how that works.

I too, detest abuse, but come on folks. Let's stay reasonable.

Have you ever read a book about how to raise a dog?

If you have a puppy, you take it out quite often and praise it exaggeratedly when it pissed/shat outside. If it pisses into the flat, YOU are to blame, because YOU didn't pay attention. Anyways, that might happen, so tell your dog a loud and clear "NO", take it (preferably during the "act") and go outside. Again, if it pisses/shits, praise it.

At night, put it into a box. If it starts moving around, take it and go outside. Same procedure: Praise after pissing/shitting.

I have never beaten my dog and she pissed into our flat just twice when we just had her. Praise and/or a treat always works much better than violence. Sad to see how many apparent retards don't know how to treat a dog...

Guest toblerone

It's interesting to see the difference in people's perspective of the word: "Beating". I didn't see the incident but it makes me wonder if the dog was "Beat" or just disciplined? "Beat" to me means abuse with much pain, bleeding, broken bones, or harm to health. Disciplining a dog with a whack with a rolled up news paper, or even "a shoe" to provide the necessary stimuli for training is hardly a "beating" if done with judgement and discretion. (Especially if you use the shoe he pissed in.) How else would you train a dog not to shit on the floor or piss in your shoes? Shock collar? Which is the most humane? OK, you arm chair animal behavior experts, how would you train a dog, scold him, ground him and send him to his room? Get a puppy and let me know how that works.

I too, detest abuse, but come on folks. Let's stay reasonable.

Have you ever read a book about how to raise a dog?

If you have a puppy, you take it out quite often and praise it exaggeratedly when it pissed/shat outside. If it pisses into the flat, YOU are to blame, because YOU didn't pay attention. Anyways, that might happen, so tell your dog a loud and clear "NO", take it (preferably during the "act") and go outside. Again, if it pisses/shits, praise it.

At night, put it into a box. If it starts moving around, take it and go outside. Same procedure: Praise after pissing/shitting.

I have never beaten my dog and she pissed into our flat just twice when we just had her. Praise and/or a treat always works much better than violence. Sad to see how many apparent retards don't know how to treat a dog...

And of course you feel entitle to use the word retard because you have a superior intellect...

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