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US General Domestic Politics #31 Begins 08/27/21.

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4 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

Biden probably took out some Afghan farmer and his wife and then claimed they were ISIS terrorists.

Als Militärspezialist weißt Du natürlich Bescheid wie das in der US-Armee läuft. Für Dich und Deine traurige Truppe war es ja auch wichtiger auf vietnamesische Frauen Jagd zu machen um die dann flach zu legen anstatt gegen Soldaten zu kämpfen. Deshalb haben die USA Armee von lüsternen Feiglingen ja auch den Vietnam-Krieg verloren und wie getretene Hunde das Land verlassen - wie jetzt in Afghanistan.

Ich habe selbst mit erlebt wie sich US-Soldaten in Deutschland verhalten haben - wie die Schweine. Details gerne auf Nachfrage.

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3 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

Als Militärspezialist weißt Du natürlich Bescheid wie das in der US-Armee läuft. Für Dich und Deine traurige Truppe war es ja auch wichtiger auf vietnamesische Frauen Jagd zu machen um die dann flach zu legen anstatt gegen Soldaten zu kämpfen. Deshalb haben die USA Armee von lüsternen Feiglingen ja auch den Vietnam-Krieg verloren und wie getretene Hunde das Land verlassen - wie jetzt in Afghanistan.

Ich habe selbst mit erlebt wie sich US-Soldaten in Deutschland verhalten haben - wie die Schweine. Details gerne auf Nachfrage.

       More propaganda from a communist propagandist kraut. You'd be better off going and jerking yourself off to photos of Stalin or Hitler than very many believing your bullshit here kraut.

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11 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       That's exactly right and could not be more truthful. They are fearful little pieces of shit when it comes to fair and honest elections because they know what most think of their bullshit and those that may have actually not known before now, most with any shred of common sense do and they are damn sure fearful of that.


Sagt der kleine Arsch zum großen Arsch - eine tolle Symbiose. 😁

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5 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       That's exactly right and could not be more truthful. They are fearful little pieces of shit when it comes to fair and honest elections because they know what most think of their bullshit and those that may have actually not known before now, most with any shred of common sense do and they are damn sure fearful of that.

Even Democrats rejected Bernie Sanders in the Democrat presidential primaries because they thought he and his policies were too radical. Now the Democrats with the $1.5 billion infrastructure bill and $3.5 billion budget reconciliation bill have fully embraced Bernie Sanders' radical socialist agenda. Democrats now know this will cause them to be totally rejected by the American people if we have fair and honest elections. Therefore, they need a voting process which will allow them to steal elections.:dodgy:

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7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


Sagt der kleine Arsch zum großen Arsch - eine tolle Symbiose. 😁

        You are nothing more than a pathetic little communist indoctrinated kraut who obviously has not much more purpose in life other than than to be a propagandist. Your use of a grinning emoji on nearly every post shows you actual level of intelect kraut.

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7 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:

As a military specialist, you of course know how things work in the US Army. For you and your sad troop it was more important to hunt down Vietnamese women and then lay them flat instead of fighting soldiers. That's why the US army of lustful cowards lost the Vietnam War and left the country like kicked dogs - like now in Afghanistan.

I saw for myself how US soldiers behaved in Germany - like pigs. Details on request.

Go to hell.  You lying piece of shit.  It was German soldiers who exterminated millions of innocent Jewish women and children.

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16 hours ago, Nicholas said:

      Fuck you...you communist propagandist kraut. It was others like you that's exactly why those of the greatest generation had to sacrifice, fight, and many even die because of pieces of shit like you to conquer the fascist nazis.


DU Affe träumst immer noch vom 2. Weltkrieg und NAZIs - das ist über 70 Jahre her. Du lebst immer noch in der Vergangenheit. Ich habe nichts damit zu tun wenn jemand von Deiner Sippe in der Zeit umgekommen ist, verstehe das endlich. Gehe noch weiter zurück und beweine die Millionen von abgeschlachteten Indianern in Deinem neuen Heimatland. Und dann die "Welt verbessern" wollen, das ist wirklich zum heulen, Du kleiner "Propagandist" und Faschist.

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4 minutes ago, StarLight28 said:


DU Affe träumst immer noch vom 2. Weltkrieg und NAZIs - das ist über 70 Jahre her. Du lebst immer noch in der Vergangenheit. Ich habe nichts damit zu tun wenn jemand von Deiner Sippe in der Zeit umgekommen ist, verstehe das endlich. GERhe noch weiter zurück und beweine die Millionen von abgeschlachteten Indianern in Deinem neuen Heimatland. Und dann die "Welt verbessern" wollen, das ist wirklich zum heulen, Du kleiner "Propagandist" und Faschist.

      It has been more than obvious that you are nothing more than a fucking worthless communist indoctrinated propagandist kraut.

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Let me enlighten 0_U812, golfer06, and all the other liberal socialist communists people. The landlords like myself have to drop 20% down on rental homes & commercial properties (on commercial properties the mortgage must be paid in 15 years) so when a scumbag lowlife disgrace of the human race doesn't pay the rent, the landlords have to pay the bank or risk foreclosure, why should the hard working Republicans who gave up blood, sweat, and tears 😢 investing their money 💰 🤑 💸 buying & remodeling the property so sub humans Neanderthal liberal socialist communists people can live in a property that they aren't paying & if the bank foreclosures the bank can't evict those pieces of shit.

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21 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

       That's exactly right and could not be more truthful. They are fearful little pieces of shit when it comes to fair and honest elections because they know what most think of their bullshit and those that may have actually not known before now, most with any shred of common sense do and they are damn sure fearful of that.

Nick. You seem to have very clear concise words when it comes to politics. Yet, in other areas of CC you have very convoluted thoughts. I am a Democrat btw. Perhaps I have overestimated you. I do not believe I should share my stories with you anymore or you may choose to vanquish me.

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1 minute ago, jugghead said:

Nick. You seem to have very clear concise words when it comes to politics. Yet, in other areas of CC you have very convoluted thoughts. I am a Democrat btw. Perhaps I have overestimated you. I do not believe I should share my stories with you anymore or you may choose to vanquish me.

So you are vanquishing him? Typical Democrat response.

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